New family experience, an afternoon of hot dogs in the company of my dear wife enjoying beautiful moments.


Feliz inicio de semana tengan todos mis panitas, bendecido día de Reyes tengan todos deseando de corazón que sean bendecidos la noche de hoy, aprovecho para compartir un nuevo contenido en la comunidad deseando de todo corazón que sea agradable para ustedes y que lo disfruten así como lo hice yo, quiero compartirles una nueva experiencia familiar, una tarde de perros caliente en compañía de mi querida esposa.

La semana pasada mientras nos tocaba realizar las diferentes compras por el centro de la ciudad, por supuesto nos encontramos en las fiestas decembrinas, por lo tanto, nos tocaba realizar las diferentes compras de cada uno de los artículos y productos como: alimentos y las prendas de vestir a estrenar durante esas festividades, y claro mis amigos fueron varios días de salida en compañía de mi esposa y ella feliz🤭 porque a que fermina les aburre ir de compras, pss creo que a ninguna, y les cuento que las tiendas estaban a reventar full de personas que andaban en la misma onda, pasábamos mucho tiempo en un negocio buscando cosas de nuestra preferencia y para cancelar era otro show, salíamos desde la mañana después del desayuno, por supuesto, retornamos a la casa en horas de casi la cena por tal motivo nos tocaba buscar que comer por el centro para amortiguar un poco el hambre, mi compañera de aventuras encantada de acompañarme a realizar las compras de mi ropa, confío en su buen gusto ya son muchos años juntos caminando de la mano, gracias a Dios por bendecirnos y permitirnos compartir esta experiencia con ella.






✓Collages de imágenes editado con GridArt.
✓Traducido por DeepL.✓Texto escrito por mi @elgatoshawua. ✓Fotos de mi autoría @elgatoshawua con mi Redmi9.

Happy beginning of the week to all my panitas, blessed Three Kings day to all of you wishing from my heart that you are blessed tonight, I take the opportunity to share a new content in the community wishing with all my heart that it is pleasant for you and that you enjoy it as I did, I want to share with you a new family experience, an afternoon of hot dogs in the company of my dear wife.

Last week while we were shopping in the city center, of course we were in the Christmas holidays, therefore, we had to make the different purchases of each of the items and products like: food and clothing to release during these festivities, and of course my friends were several days out in the company of my wife and she happy🤭 because that fermina bored to go shopping, pss I think none, and I tell you that the stores were bursting full of people who were on the same wave, we spent much time in a business looking for things of our preference and to cancel was another show, We left in the morning after breakfast, of course, we returned to the house in hours of almost dinner for that reason we had to look for something to eat downtown to dampen a little hunger, my partner of adventures delighted to accompany me to shop for my clothes, I trust in your good taste and are many years together walking hand in hand, thank God for blessing us and allow us to be together, we had a great time, we had a great time.

✓Image collages edited with GridArt.
✓Translated by DeepL.✓Text written by me @elgatoshawua. ✓Photos authored by me @elgatoshawua with my Redmi9.