Hivedamor Initiative - Let's Talk about Our Grandparents // Iniciativa Hivedamor - Hablemos de Nuestros Abuelos

in Family & Friends2 years ago (edited)

*Next, I am going to tell my story about my grandparents.

I have few memories of them because I lost them very young, one I lost before I was even born, the other I lost when I was only 6 or 7 years old. But I know their stories because my parents told them to me.

I never knew my paternal grandfather, he died in 1943 of pleurisy, his name was Miguel Hamana Hamana, he was an emigrant, he came from Tripoli - Lebanon, he entered Venezuela in a Turkish ship through the city of Carúpano, Sucre state, he entered with all his family including my grandmother, he had 4 children in Venezuela, two of them (including my father) born in Margarita Island, Nueva Esparta state, he was a merchant. I have no pictures of him.

Greetings to the Family&Friends community, I am delighted to be part of this initiative "Let's talk about our grandparents" so that the account @hivedamor can be the beneficiary and help the grandparents of the Santo Domingo Nursing Home.

A continuación, voy a realizar mi relato sobre mis abuelos.

Son pocos los recuerdos que tengo de ellos porque los perdí muy joven, uno lo perdí sin ni siquiera haber yo nacido, el otro lo perdí teniendo apenas 6 o 7 años aproximadamente. Pero conozco de sus historias porque mis padres me las contaban.

A mi abuelo paterno no lo conocí, murió en 1943 de pleuresía, se llamaba Miguel Hamana Hamana, fue emigrante, procedía de Tripoli - Libano, entró a Venezuela en un barco turco por la ciudad de Carúpano, estado Sucre, entro con toda su familia incluyendo a mi abuela, tuvo 4 hijos en Venezuela, dos de ellos (incluido mi papá) nacidos en la Isla de Margarita, estado Nueva Esparta, era comerciante. No tengo fotos de él.

Saludos a la comunidad Family&Friends, me encanta ser partícipe en esta iniciativa “Hablemos de nuestros abuelos” para que la cuenta @hivedamor sea la beneficiaria y así poder ayudar a los abuelos del Asilo de Ancianos Santo Domingo.


paternal grandmother

I did know my paternal grandmother, her name was Isabel Tarrazzi, she lived in Cuamaná - Sucre State, I spent several days of my vacations with her, she was a strict, educated woman, with a lot of class, she came to Venezuela with my grandfather, she was also from Tripoli - Lebanon.

She was a woman who still kept her roots, her customs, she spoke Arabic and French, I remember that she practiced French with a friend, also an Arab, who read her the coffee grounds in the afternoons (hahaha). She was a woman of character, very neat, everything was clean, the glasses (everyone had their own), her kitchen, her rooms, everything was impeccable, everything. At meals, we all had to sit down, it was a table served with different dishes and whoever arrived at that moment was invited to the table. Very early in the morning he would sit down to listen to his radio every day and in the afternoons he would watch his television (in black and white).

She was a Catholic, I also remember that every year during Holy Week, the tomb would leave her house, where it was decorated, flowers were placed on it, it was painted (I painted the golden part) and the journey was made through the streets until it reached the church.

Everyone, absolutely everyone used to spend Christmas and New Year's Eve with her, uncles, cousins, nephews and nieces. It was a spectacular Christmas, very familiar. She died one day after my 16th birthday. She had stomach cancer. In this photo my cousin and I are with her, at my house, I think it was someone's birthday.

Mi abuela paterna si la conocí, se llamaba Isabel Tarrazzi, vivía en Cuamaná-estado Sucre, me pasaba varios días de mis vacaciones con ella, era una mujer estricta, educada, con mucha clase, llegó a Venezuela junto a mi abuelo, también era de Tripoli – Libano.

Era una mujer que todavía conservaba sus raíces, sus costumbres, hablaba árabe y francés, recuerdo que el francés lo practicaba con una amiga, también árabe, que le leía la borra de café en las tardes (jajaja). Era una mujer de carácter, muy pulcra, todo era limpio, los vasos (cada quien tenía el suyo), su cocina, sus cuartos, todo era impecable, todo. En las comidas, rigurosamente nos teníamos que sentar todos los que estábamos, era una mesa servida con diferentes platillos y el que llegaba en ese momento lo invitaba a la mesa. En la mañana muy temprano se sentaba a escuchar su radio todos los días y en las tardes veía su televisión (en blanco y negro).

Era católica, recuerdo también que todos los años en Semana Santa, el sepulcro salía de su casa, allí era donde lo adornaban, le colocaban flores, lo pintaban (yo pintaba la parte dorada) y se hacía el trayecto por las calles hasta llegar a la Iglesia.

Todos, absolutamente todos solíamos pasar las navidades y fin de año con ella, tíos, primos, sobrinos. Eran unas navidades espectaculares, muy familiar. Ella murió un día después de haber cumplido yo 16 años. Tenía cáncer en el estómago. En esa foto estamos con ella mi prima y yo, en mi casa, creo que en un cumpleaños de alguien.


Maternal grandfather

A mi abuelo materno también lo conocí, pero apenas vagan en mi mente los recuerdos con él, se llamaba Felix Jesús Andrade, nació el 04 de octubre del año 1905 (así lo indica su cédula). Era oriundo de la Península de Araya, específicamente de Punta de Araya, en el estado Sucre.

Cuando viajamos en vacaciones en familia hacia ese pueblo lo veía siempre a escasos metros de su casa, parado frente a la orilla del mar, vestido de blanco con un sombrero también blanco. Era comerciante de oro y perlas, viajaba en barcos a diferentes lugares.
Murió cuando yo tenía apenas 6 o 7 años de edad, tenía cáncer en el pulmón, fumaba muchísimo, estuvo un tiempo viviendo con nosotros durante su enfermedad, mi mamá y mis tías eran quienes lo atendían. Recuerdo que cuando a él le daban los dolores se levantaba en la madrugada de la cama y se iba escondido hacía el patio a fumarse un cigarrillo.

I also knew my maternal grandfather, but his name was Felix Jesús Andrade, he was born on October 4th, 1905 (so his identification card indicates). He was a native of the Araya Peninsula, specifically Punta de Araya, in the state of Sucre.

When we traveled on family vacations to that town I always saw him a few meters from his house, standing in front of the seashore, dressed in white with a white hat. He was a gold and pearl merchant, traveling in ships to different places.

He died when I was only 6 or 7 years old, he had lung cancer, he smoked a lot, he lived with us for a while during his illness, my mother and my aunts were the ones who took care of him. I remember that when he was in pain he would get out of bed at dawn and go hide in the yard to smoke a cigarette.


maternal grandmother

My maternal grandmother's name was Valentina Vizcaino Luna, born in Rio Caribe, Sucre state, she was a quiet person, she helped my mother in the housework, she was a great company for my mother. She made white rice as I liked it. When she was at home she slept in my room. Her clothes were simple, but they all looked like new.

When she washed her long hair she poured oil on it, combed it and made a braid, many times she would put her hair up in a bun made with the same braid and hold it with a comb. Sometimes she smoked with the fire indoors, but I rarely saw her smoking. I don't remember that she suffered from any illness. She died of old age, she hardly spoke, but sometimes in her silence she would mention my mother's name and remember things.

Mi abuela materna se llamaba Valentina Vizcaino Luna, nacida en Río Caribe, estado Sucre, era una persona tranquila, ayudaba a mi mamá en los quehaceres del hogar, era una gran compañía para mi madre. Hacía el arroz blanco como me gustaba. Cuando estaba en casa dormía en mi cuarto. Sus ropas eran sencillas, pero se veían como nuevas todas.


Cuando lavaba su cabello largo se echaba aceite, se lo peinaba y se hacia una trenza, muchas veces se recogía el cabello con un moño hecho con la misma trenza y se lo aguantaba con una peineta. A veces fumaba con el fuego hacía adentro, pero fueron muy pocas las veces que la veía fumando. No recuerdo que ella haya sufrido de alguna enfermedad. Murió de vejez, casi no hablaba, pero a veces dentro de su silencio nombraba a mi mamá y recordaba cosas


Mother's godfather

Last but not least, my third grandfather, yes the third one, was my mother's godfather, but maybe I needed a grandfather so much that I felt it and called him grandfather and he behaved with me as my grandfather.

He lived in a little ranch near the house and my mother took him to live with us. He was a merchant and lent money. All his errands and work he did on foot. He was diabetic.

He took care of me, took care of my needs, clothes, shoes.He brought me chocolates, he gave me silver coins that were almost disappearing by that time. He killed more than once the spiders in my room when I was cleaning my desk. When he heard a loud scream from my room he knew and came walking with a sweeping brush to kill the spider (hahahaha).

One of the things that bothered me was that he would walk down the hallway just as the coleto was passing by (hahaha), but otherwise he was special.

His death was heartbreaking for everyone, thank God my mom was able to please him on the last day of his life. He had told my mom that he wanted a grilled catalana (fish) for lunch, my mom prepared it for him and served it to him when he arrived, he ate and picked up his plate and took it to the dishwasher, just at that moment a loud bang was heard, it was my grandfather, he had just had a heart attack, my dad together with my brother put him to bed, dad was massaging his chest, they put him in my grandfather's car, they put him in my brother's car, they put him in the car and took him to the dishwasher, They put him in my brother's car, in the back seat, lying down with his legs bent, he did not fit in the car, he was very tall, kneeling from the front seat I was holding his head, and on the way I felt his last breath but I did not know that he had died, until we arrived at the clinic they told us that there was nothing more to do.

por último y no menos importante, mi tercer abuelo, si el tercero, era el padrino de mi mamá, pero a lo mejor era tanta la necesidad de yo tener un abuelo que lo sentía y lo llamaba abuelo y se comportó conmigo como mi abuelo.

El vivía en un ranchito cerca de la casa y mi mamá se lo llevó a vivir con nosotros. Era comerciante y prestaba dinero. Todas sus diligencias y su trabajo lo realizaba caminando. Era diabético.

Cuidaba de mí, estaba pendiente de mis necesidades, ropa, zapatos.
Me llevaba chocolates, me regalaba monedas de plata que ya casi por la época estaban desapareciendo. Me mataba una vez más que otra las arañas en mi cuarto cuando hacía limpieza de mi escritorio. Cuando el escuchaba es grito estruendoso desde mi cuarto ya él sabía y venia caminando con un cepillo de barrer a matar la araña (jajajaja).

Una de las cosas que me molestaba era que pasaba por el pasillo justo cuando pasaba el coleto (jajaja), pero por lo demás era especial.

Su muerte fue desesperante para todos, gracias a Dios mi mamá pudo complacerlo el último día de su vida. Él le había dicho a mi mamá que quería de almuerzo una catalana (pescado) asada, mi mamá se la preparó y se la sirvió cuando él llegó, comió y recogió su plato y lo llevó al lavaplatos, justo en ese momento se escuchó un golpe muy fuerte, era mi abuelo, le acababa de dar un infarto, mi papá junto con mi hermano lo acostaron, papá le daba masajes en el pecho, lo metieron en el carro de mi hermano, en el asiento de atrás, acostado con las piernas dobladas, no cabía en el carro, era muy alto, arrodillada desde el asiento de adelante iba sujetándole su cabeza, y en el camino sentí su último suspiro pero no sabía que había muerto, hasta que al llegar a la clínica nos dijeron que ya no había nada que hacer.


I don't think I would have been able to send my grandparents to a nursing home, in fact, in their illnesses all their care was done by their respective children.

In short, that's all I remember about them. I do not have any favorite grandparents, I carry them all in my mind and in my heart, each one left in me a memory of love even if they were not affectionate people, they did not hug, they did not kiss, they did not caress, they showed their love, but each one in their own way and that is how I felt it. If I were born again and put to choose, I would choose the same family.


Pienso que no hubiese sido capaz de enviar a mis abuelos a una residencia de ancianos, de hecho, en sus enfermedades todos sus cuidados lo realizaron sus hijos respectivos.

En resumen, es todo lo que recuerdo de ellos. No tengo ningún abuelo favorito, a todos los llevo en mi mente y en mi corazón, cada uno dejó en mi un recuerdo de amor aun y cuando no eran personas cariñosas, no abrazaban, no besaban, no acariciaban, demostraron su amor, pero cada uno a su manera y así lo sentí. Si volviera a nacer y me ponen a escoger, escogería la misma familia.



I've read a few posts participating in this initiative, but yours is beating each of them. It's nice to look back in time and remember our grandparents, so thanks for sharing your story on Hive.

I see you're new and you are probably still looking to learn how the platform works. I'd suggest to look around, try to connect with other, engage with them as there are so many good people here. It also helps you get more viewers for your post.

Good luck and happy blogging.

Thank you very much, yes, I'm new, I'm excited to make good content, I appreciate your advice, I'm reading other posts to focus better, I hope to have enough power to have more participation, this initiative made me go back to the past, between nostalgia and happiness I see that good things can be done for others, at the same time I found a place where I see that I have many new things to learn. Thanks again. Greetings

Cada abuelo es una anécdota, y cada anécdota un tesoro! bello tu post tía! espero ver más contenido para la plataforma, recuerda que estoy para ayudarte y orientarte. 😄 No pude conocer a ninguno, a Valentina la vi cuando estaba por fallecer, hubiese sido bonito conocerla , ya se porque tía Nieves se trenzaba el cabello! , mi abuela se parecía a ella!. Chaito! nos vemos! 😎

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