Hello hivers its me again your @bernabes. Did you miss me? Coz I miss you all! For today's story I want to share it with you guys my moments with my parents by sending me in the Baas,Taytayan,Bogo where I must stay for 15 days for my work Immersion. Actually, my work immersion will start tomorrow that's why I/ we need to go there as early as possible. However, I must go early to my firm, and I have to learn to myself to be punctual, unlike in my school I'm always late. HAHAHAHA


I have to prepare my things and put them in the backpack, my clothes, lotions, towels and so on. This backpack is very heavy and I'm so scared that my bag might be broken and I can't afford to buy a new one.



We're now going outside just to wait for a bus. I'm gonna miss this moment, when I saw my parents'effort just to send me there safe. Since, I don't know where the Baas Taytayan located my mother spent time sending me there safely.I brought my things like the backpack, and the eco bag where my towel and shoes put them inside of it, while my father carried my sister since my sister wanted to be carried always. My sister wants to carry every time we go anywhere even if we only go to my grandmother's house.


While waiting for the bus, my mother commanded me to go to the store to buy 5kls of rice and the candies for my sister.


Perfect timing, while I'm going back to the waiting area where my parents wait for me to come back, the bus arrived and we hurriedly entered the bus. I'm so excited to witness and admit the new environment.


After 20 minutes, we arrived near the sea oil (gasoline station) and my father brought my eco bag while holding my sister, while my mother was carrying the 5kls rice. It was a great moment with them, we don't have enough money to ride with the tricycle so that we're not getting tired of going to our destination. The house of my mother's friend is far from the national highway and it is almost 20 minutes to walk, but if you're riding a motorcycle or tricycle it's only 10 minutes.I really enjoy this moment even though we're all tired and exhausted walking under the sunny day. I saw different big houses and many more.


We kept walking until we saw this sign mark where the house of my mother's friend was located. Their house is near the water refilling station. Their house is very big, unlike my own house. But we're all happy to arrive in a safe and meet them again was my great pleasure.

After 20 minutes of rest, I left my parents there to have time to talk, while I'm going to church since I'm not yet attending the mass.

So now I'm walking again and again under the sunny day, but I'm so happy because it is an exercise and I can save money for my work immersion too.



After 15 minutes of walking I arrived at the Saint Vincent Ferrer Church and luckily the mass has not yet started. Sunday is my best day, I can spend my time talking to God and from the message I gained I will apply it everyday. The motivations and encouragement will be my sword in keeping moving no matter how hard life is.


After I attended the mass I wanted to surprise my best friend since she started her work immersion last month and I want to see her again. I walk here again going to the Capitancillo where she worked.

The few minutes of walking I arrived at the Capitancillo with excitement. She came outside just to see me too and we talked for a while. After that I'm going home since it's almost 5 pm and maybe my parents are looking for me. I'm so happy even in the short period of time to meet her again. She is my best friend since when we were a kid and my classmate too when we were in junior
high school.

This would be all for today guys. Since it's been a long time to share you again a stories but now I'm back. Allow me again to share you another memorable experiences and moments together with the favorite people of mine. See you on my next blog! God bless you!



Take care on your trip 😊

Thank you so much