in Family & Friends6 months ago

girls, from the very beginning, just favours her dad over her mom. Here are some reasons we girlies just tend to love our dads a tad bit more than our moms.
girl, from the very beginning, just favours her dad over her mom. Here are some reasons we girlies just tend to love our dads a tad bit more than our moms.Let us just simply put it as; daughters need their fathers. We need every ounce of courage, protective instinct, affection, wit, charm and humour that our dads have for their little princesses. More than anything else, we need them to set a course of life for us. It is a well-known fact that a dad has the ability to shape his daughter’s life, and nothing could be more true. But, there is a difference in the intensity of bonds a girl kid and a boy kid forms with their dads. A girl, from the very beginning, just favours her dad over her mom.
Be it their wife, their son, their parents or anybody else. Dads always, and we mean always, care for their daughters more. They make every possible effort to safeguard them from anything that might hurt them. And also, they do everything in their power to destroy anything or anyone that tries to pull their daughters down.
Despite a popular belief that daughters usually try to be like their mothers, it is interesting to note that most girls consider their dads to be their role models. Although we tend to dress up like our moms, most of our behavioural traits come from our dads. When our fathers encourage us to do something, we make sure we do it and come out with flying colours. That is just the kind of effect our daddies have on us.
A famous psychologist and psychoanalyst, best known for his work in developing child attachment theories, put forward a crucial point in one of his studies. He said that the ability of an individual to have an emotional or physical attachment to another person gives him a sense of stability that helps them to take risks, improve in weaker areas of their lives, and encourage their personality development.

Children are always attached to their caregivers, so when we are young and we see our mothers caring for us, we tend to be attached to her. But when we grow up, we see our dads fulfilling all our needs and wants, so our favour shifts more towards them. But more than anything, it’s just basic instinct that makes us girls lean more towards our dad than our moms.
I conclusion,Fathers with toddler daughters are more attentive and responsive to those daughters’ needs than fathers with toddler sons are to the needs of those sons, according to brain scans and recordings of the parents’ daily interactions with their kids.