rhemagames cross-posted this post in Blockchain Gaming last year

Angular Velocity: Ship Builder.

in #gamedevlast year

S-type first gen ship sliced for mods

Ship customization is at the root of our plans for Angular Velocity, and whether it is a simple cosmetic change or full fledged sponsorship, any player (or team) should feel that the ship they fly is uniquely theirs. Of course, this is almost a standard feature in today's gaming market, so what makes our approach different? Well friends...um...we actually don't know, but if your interested find out more, below!

General Anatomy

Ships can be broken down into four parts; the base (which determines the ship's class), and three modifiable units (Cockpit,Launcher,Engine.) These unites can be replaced with other compatible units owned by the player, and are up-gradable to give you the edge based on your play style.

  • CockPit: Mainly cosmetic the modifications to hull strength and drag can be ignored by most players, but if you're looking for top speed to intercept the disc or want to play bumper ships with other players it's nice to know you have a little more where it counts.

  • Launcher: Can't play Angular Velocity without one! The launcher is key. Its size, and power conversion rate will determine a good amount of how you play while piloting the ship.

  • Base (Fuselage): This is where we get all our base stats: turn rate, speed, hull strength, even position in the game. They also set the color scheme of the rest of the ship so you know..that's pretty important too. We guess.

  • Engine: As you would expect with most engine parts it affects top speed and acceleration, but it also affects the shape of your exhaust and the trail it leaves behind.

  • Skins: Not noted in the image above skins are also available for each Base. These could be simple designs available to everyone or community / team skins that are commissioned by the community or team. (See Commissioned parts section below) Regardless, these do nothing to help you in-game except for a little skin-timidation.


example builder (Allonian Seed) credit:@bflanagin

The builder demo should be looked at as a online docking bay for your ship and parts collection for Angular Velocity. It will allow you to mix and match the parts available to you and give you and idea of what is to come. Given the time it takes to develop and polish any game we hope that this will tide people over till there is a more substantial demo. Of course it will also show off some of the HGS integrations we are working on and trying to get funding for in or DHF proposal.


Standard parts

Part will be distributed as a one of a kind items with unique ids, but that won't always mean it is statistically different than another. This is to ensure that the supply doesn't lag too far behind the demand on any one item and will allow the player to "recycle" the parts or sale them to other players as needed. There may come a time where some parts are retired, but they will continue working in the game and will thus become far more valuable to the owner. More on this as our library of parts and items increases.

Commissioned parts

These are exactly what you think they are. We will accept payment for a certain part or skin to be added to the game in an official manner, and when we are completely up and running, it refers to any third party skin or part that has been created for the game, and has received our blessing to be added. (The last bit is more of a general HGS or Thicket thing.)

  • Skins: This will most likely be our first foray in to commissioned items, as we know how much everyone wants to fly a ship emblazoned with their community or interface of choice. We're still working out the pricing, but we have already decided that any community that supports our proposal will receive one for free. We'll contact the admins of the community to find out how many to mint and work out how they can reward the skin to users.

  • Parts: These will be added at some point, but the turn around for the work is much longer so we WILL have commissioned parts, but it will come much closer to the full game release.


So as we mentioned above we have a proposal currently live here on Hive which is at 5% of the HP needed for funding, but does that discourage us? NO! Why? Because funding is all about trust, and bad actors have abused the DHF in the past. So we get it. At the moment we haven't gotten anything but prototypes, previous work, and big dreams so we are going out of our way to reward those that have decided to trust us even if we don't get to our funding goal. How useful these rewards will be if we don't get funded, well that is debatable, but hey, at least they were free! Right?

Every month we will generate a new reward for everyone that has voted on our proposal that will work in one of the flagship projects we are working on. Everyone should start seeing the rewards in their the wallets around the first of the year. Maybe sooner if our Christmas elves get busy. When we are ready to start sending them out we'll post about them.

Note: If the vote is from a community we will be in touch with them to figure out a way to spread the love to their members and will probably be delayed

Current Heroes.

Screenshot from 2023-12-12 15-11-35.png

These, brave accounts have given their support for our proposal. We thank them all from the bottom of our hearts. If you think the above sounds fun, or just want possibly valuable NFTs for the future give us a vote, a like and a follow! Also if you're inclined join our curation trail and help other game developers on hive get the support they deserve!