Graffiti Kritikan Politik - Political Criticism Graffiti

in Satujiwa28 days ago (edited)

Grafiti DPR5.jpg

Pas akhir bulan juli lagi lewat di sebuah flyover sekitar Bandara Juanda, saya melihat ada sebuah graffiti yang mengkritik dan menyindir Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat (DPR), entah itu ditujukan kepada DPR pusat atau daerah. Graffiti itu bertuliskan "Cari Badut Lucu? Hubungi Ketua DPR", sebuah sindiran pedas terhadap sebuah lembaga perwakilan rakyat. Semoga wakil rakyat kita lebih peka dan mau peduli terhadap aspirasi sosial masyarakat setelah disindir keras seperti ini. (hpx)

At the end of July, passing by a flyover around Juanda Airport, I saw graffiti criticizing and satirizing the People's Representative Council (DPR), whether it was aimed at the central or regional DPR. The graffiti read "Looking for a Funny Clown? Contact the DPR Speaker", a harsh satire on a people's representative institution. Hopefully our people's representatives will be more sensitive and care about the social aspirations of the community after being harshly criticized like this. (hpx)

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Logo happyphoenix 2024.png

 28 days ago  

ane carinya badut ultah om !LOLZ !DOOK


You just got DOOKed!
@dewabrata thinks your content is the shit.
They have 1/10 DOOK left to drop today.
Learn all about this shit in the toilet paper! 💩

It is raining so hard we may need an Ark
Luckily I Noah guy.

Credit: happyme
@happyphoenix, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of dewabrata

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