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RE: M-tech 3-in-1 Connection Card Reader Review | Tech Monday

in Geek Zone9 months ago

I have a very bad experience with this type of memory reader devices and is that you use them once and never use them again I do not know why they are damaged so quickly and no matter the quality you buy it For example I bought a super cheap one that came out in 15 cents and did not last me absolutely nothing after two uses was no longer useful, but I also bought one of Kingston brand that are supposed to be quite good and quality standards are very high, and was even worse because after the first use was no longer useful.

But as you say to get out of an emergency when you have no cable or need to transfer something just fast these memory readers are quite useful.


I bought a super cheap one that came out in 15 cents and did not last me absolutely nothing after two uses was no longer us

hahah that was the same with my experience! to be honest, I don't think Kingston is good, I used their flash disk in the past and always hated it. The most durable ones that I have has been my toshiba and other brands. I also typically avoid Kingston, it's a waste of money.