Hello Welcome to my channel and today I bring you the third chapter of SCP today I was trying to get out of the HCZ and for that I needed a good card osea card level 4 but while I was in the containment cell of SCP-049 I was enboscaron the SCPs 173 and 049 in addition to the minions of 049, there I found the level four card and after that I managed to get out surrounding all of them, right after that I entered the Light Contaiment Zone but we will say LCZ to save time, after that encounter I ran into SCP-049 and 106 who suddenly sandwiched me.
Justo de recuperar la conciencia pude ver que estaba en la dimensión de bolsillo del 106 asi que con una tarjeta una roctura de femur y un botiquín decidi que iba a recontener al scp 106 que tanto me habia molestado, despues de varios intentos logré escapar por el lugar más difícil de la dimensión de bolsillo, rapidamente me cure con el botiquín que encontre en la LCZ y abrí la puerta de contención del scp 106 con la tarjeta que me encontre en la celda del 049 y ahí tuve que apretar un boton que rompia el fémur de un clase D que lo habian dejado ahí y con la transmisión de audio activada fue el scp 106 a ver como estaba el clase D, rapidamente cerré su celda de contención para que no pueda salir y asi lo logre encarcelar y de esa forma me quite un peso de encima ya que cuando yo iba a la LCZ el me devolvia a la HCZ que es la Heavy Contaiment Zone.
As soon as I regained consciousness I could see that I was in the pocket dimension of 106, so with a card, a femur fracture and a first aid kit I decided that I was going to contain scp 106 that had bothered me so much, after several attempts I managed to escape through the most difficult place in the pocket dimension, I quickly cured myself with the first aid kit that I found in the LCZ and I opened the containment door of scp 106 with the card that I found in the cell of 049 and there I had to press a button that broke the femur of a class D that had been left there and with the audio transmission activated scp 106 went to see how the class D was doing, I quickly closed his containment cell so that he could not get out and so I managed to imprison him and that way I took a weight off my shoulders because when I went to the LCZ he returned me to the HCZ which is the Heavy Containment Zone.
El SCP-049 es un humanoide con forma de doctor de la peste medieval sus características anomalas son que el traje que trae no es ropa es su piel su segunda cosa anómala es que cuando toca a alguien por el cuello tiene la capacidad que hacer que sus organos vitales dejen de funcionar ahora, su comportamiento es algo raro ya que habla casi todos los idiomas pero si le das a elegir usara francés, algo muy importante es que no mata a todo lo que se le cruce solo a lo que considere que tiene la peste aunque no la tenga, tambien cuando elimina a alguien que contrajo la "peste" empieza a costurarlo y cuando termina su resultado "excelente" trabajo dira que esta listo y su resultado sera una especie de zombie como el que me encontre en su celda de contención.
The SCP-049 is a humanoid with the shape of a medieval plague doctor, his anomalous characteristics are that the suit he wears is not clothes but his skin, his second anomalous thing is that when he touches someone by the neck he has the ability to make his vital organs stop working now, his behavior is somewhat strange because he speaks almost all languages but if you give him a choice he will use French, something very important is that it does not kill everything that crosses it only what it considers that it has the plague even if it does not have it, also when it eliminates someone who contracted the "plague" it starts to sew him and when it finishes its "excellent" work result it will say that it is ready and its result will be a kind of zombie like the one I found in its containment cell.

En un momento dado del video se aprecia a ver un humanoide aparentemente con desnutrición, piel blanca blindada y muy alto que es el SCP-096 que cuando alguien ve su rostro empezara a tener un periodo de estres y ansiedad, al terminarlo encontrara y asesinara a la entidad que lo haya visto su rostro asi sea un video o foto.
At one point in the video you can see a humanoid apparently with malnutrition, white armored skin and very tall which is the SCP-096 that when someone sees his face will begin to have a period of stress and anxiety, at the end of it will find and kill the entity that has seen his face even if it is a video or photo.

Bueno chicos, espero que les haya gustado mucho este gameplay ya casi llegamos al final de SCP CB, yo aqui me despido y hasta el siguiente gameplay adios.
Well guys, I hope you liked a lot this gameplay and we are almost at the end of SCP CB, I here I say goodbye and until the next gameplay goodbye.
Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
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