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RE: #PizzaGate Part 28: David Brock Blackmail Scandal + Baphomet, United Nations, #ElsaGate + MORE

in MES Conspiracy3 years ago (edited)

"All symbols men have created to represent deity have represented baphomet in its concept. All the myriad pantheons are children of its theoretical emanation. When men open their minds and attempt to embrace the vast universe, the symbols and constructs they create to explain that which they discover are visions of baphomet being."

Yet I think that even if Baphomet is therefore Jesus and Satan, faith, and science at the same time, it present a dangerous yet slightly corrupted point of view for those who believe in it. Helping others is to make a connection, to unite, if you help yourself in order to help others if it is not already done as far as you want, even individualism present tales of the great light, connected to you, connected to others.

If Baphomet is the union of opposites, and this is a result of the equation of adversity, therefore Baphomet create and destroy yet somehow like Shiva, Kali, Vishnu, ...

Adversity will come to an end, when we will no longer believe but will be.


Yup. I think the concept of Baphomet is to indicate the universal oneness of all things but this has been taken to a physical extreme. That is, the world is pushing for oneness is form, function, and outcome through force and lies. Interestingly, this is best exemplified by the Baphomet looking man/woman YouTuber covered in the video.

Yes it has really been taken to a physical extreme, it is a manifestation of something.

Idk why I am remembering of this but hey look, this is interesting:

The ONA are strongly critical of larger Satanic groups like the Church of Satan and the Temple of Set, whom they deem to be "sham-Satanic" because they embrace the "glamour associated with Satanism" but are "afraid to experience its realness within and external to them"... When in the past we and others like us have said things that others interpret as being against the Temple of Set or LaVey, we (o9a) were simply assuming the role of Adversarychallenging what seemed to be becoming accepted dogma.

This is an act of rebellion yet, who have the power to decide over oneself what is right and what i not, well, we are in exposing the mad world, we're exercising our form of power, we're building the next critic of the current dogma.

The concept of Satan (Baphomet is often taken as THE symbol of satanism) as anti-God is very old and mainly arose out of dislike of the kind of godly God invented for themselves before trying to inflict it on as many humans as they can. could. Naturally, the anti-social and evil people needed a concept of God just as much as their better-native brethren, and so they ultimately chose the character of Satan, leader of the opposition so to speak, to serve as a symbol for their cause. common. If Satan was a rebel against Heaven, then they were rebellious against those in society who claimed Heaven as a legitimate reward for their earthly conduct. Simple enmity magnified to a metaphysical standard of living. The eternal "us and them" syndrome.

They can be presented as personifications of all of our worst flaws and tendencies - everything we need to eliminate from our characters, in the same way we need to remove waste from our bodies.