#VAULT7 Year Zero: Mainstream Media "Coverage"

in MES Conspiracy3 days ago

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In this video I go further into the Vault 7 Year Zero video series, and this time look at the mainstream media coverage of the recent BOMBSHELL WikiLeaks Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) top secret documents. As usual, most of the mainstream media (at least those that are in the top Google Search results) appears to be deliberately trying limit discussion about the implications that the revelations could have, and instead focus on blaming the boogeyman, Russia…. as always.

The WikiLeaks data dump consists of over 8000 CIA documents, just 1% of the total Vault 7 series, and show the CIA’s unprecedented ability to spy on nearly every device, even making them appear “off”, and even have the ability to commit undetectable assassinations. The most alarming aspect of the leaks is that it raises the risks of the very loose and unclassified way that the CIA managed and unleashed their Cyber Weapons across the internet, making them suspect to be obtained by third-parties, including governments and even the smart teenage hacker. This proliferation risk of Cyber weapons is barely touched upon by most mainstream media outlets.

The most politicized revelation is the fact that the CIA can mask their digital “fingerprints” to many different sources such as nation states, including Russia. This has led many people to raise the very plausible theory that the CIA could in-fact have used Russia as a scapegoat by the Obama administration to try to discredit President Trump, in which last year’s Presidential campaign even saw Obama campaigning for Hillary Clinton. The highly political implications of this CIA-leaked revelation appears to have the mainstream media as a whole behave in a sort of damage control for the CIA. They do this by attacking anyone that dare to raise this very real possibility as a “conspiracy theorists”, claiming that it was those pesky Russians that leaked Vault 7 to WikiLeaks, and in what appears to be one of the most ridiculous claims ever made, claiming the many hilarious memes about the CIA that went viral on social media were made by Russian bots……. #UNBELIEAVABLE! A quick Twitter search would show that it was actually people like yours truly tweeting such amazing memes. AM I A RUSSIAN ROBOT?? Find out at @matheasysolns on Twitter. Also Twitter almost certainly removed #Vault7 from trending, as is usual with the censorship Orwellian 1984 tech company.

Since WikiLeaks claims to have released less than 1% of the total Vault 7 documents, they will be releasing around 1 MILLION more documents!! So comment below what you think the rest of the Vault 7 leaks will show, and especially what Year One will reveal!

Last but not least, the information war will be fought and won through MEME WARFARE, so equipped yourself accordingly!

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