The fire wood is this expensive nowadays. Buying an electric heater would be cheaper than the fire wood for approximately two weeks. And the usage would be also cheaper. And the outside temperature is not even that cold yet. So the fire wood is indeed very expensive nowadays.
Currently all of us are very tired, but I made the calculations, and I decided to write this post.
The calculations
The price of 1 kWh electricity above 210 kWh consumption is 70.10 Hungarian Forint (HUF) ($0.18 USD). $1 USD is currently 393.01 Hungarian Forint (HUF). I made the calculations with these prices.
This would be 1682.40 Hungarian Forint (HUF) ($4.18 USD) for one day. And it would be 50 472 Hungarian Forint (HUF) ($128.42 USD) for 30 days.
Of course this would be the maximum. If we would heat 0-24 with the 1 kW setting. We are planning to use multiple settings between 750 Watt and 2000 Watt, but of course we would not heat continuously, so it would be cheaper than the calculations above. There are many good electric heaters, which would keep a good temperature in the room.
The fire wood for two weeks is around 30 000 Hungarian Forint (HUF), which is currently $76.33 USD.
So heating with an electric heater would be cheaper. Probably soon we will buy an electric heater.
Thank you
Huge thank you to @barbara-orenya, because two days ago (on 2022.12.08) she sent a 11 598 Hungarian Forint (HUF) ($29.51 USD) gift to me to my PayPal account with the following message:
gift for the wood, a bit of warmness this winter ...stay safe !
I already thanked her on on Discord, but thank you so much again. I am really very grateful for this gift. Probably we will use it with the electric heater later, because it is cheaper than the wood heating.
transferred $3.599 HBD to my Hive account.Also a huge thank you to @misterc, who three hours ago
Thank you so much to both of you again.
We still have a small amount of wood for a few days, so we will keep heating with wood for now, but later probably we will buy an electric heater. In addition to being cheaper, using an electric heater would be more convenient too.
I took the two photos in this post four days ago (on 2022.12.06). Soon (in the next few days) I will take and upload new photos.
Have a nice day and have a nice weekend.
All the best. Greetings and much love from Hungary.
Its not much i had left but i hope it helps a bit 😊 take care!
Everything helps. Especially in long term. I am very grateful for any help and for any support. Approximately five hours ago I transferred $3.60 HBD to savings. I currently have $273.44 HBD in savings. Thank you so much again.
a eletric heather would be easier to you to manage... is it easy to install?
We used electric heaters in the past. Probably it is the easiest to install. Technically all you have to do is bring the heater into the room, and plug it it, and turn it on. Other things (for example power settings) are varies from model to model. There are many types of electric heaters.
The wood is indeed so expensive !! Use the money at your will , and if an electric heater would be less greedy and expensive, I suppose you have indeed to think of it...let's have good vibrations to send on this project 😀
Probably I will write an update about our situation a few days later, after all of the remaining wood will burn down. Thank you so much again for the gift.
It's a pleasure to be of help, and everyone should be lucky to experience this wonderful feeling of abundance when we can offer something, whether it is time, or smile , help, consideration and any act of kindness...we are all rich of all these little things, and everyone can contribute in their own ways...
you (we) are member of a community (humankindness) 😉
Any heating is very expensive here in Ukraine too. But I am never cold because of the dogs and cats in my bed😉
Me neither. My Harris's hawk is warming me in the nights. We sleep together. She sleeps laying down on my neck. She often put her head to my head, and to my ears. And we have warm blankets too.