Flashback Friday Five First Feathered Friends From 2015

Okay, so technically some of these shots are from 2016, but I didn't want to mess too much with my alliterative title attempt...lol! When I was looking through my photo archives yesterday for my Thursday Tree Love post, I noticed a shot of a bird that I'd completely forgotten about. Mostly because it was taken back in 2015 with my old camera from a distance, so the quality wasn't all that great. I know I shared it to a local birding group on FB for an ID, but since it wasn't a particularly good capture, I didn't post it on my blog, even though it was a "first" for me. After scrolling through my old shots a little more, I realized I could do a Flashback Friday First Feathered Friends with five different ones from that time frame (aka when my family started referring to me as the Crazy Bird Lady).

And what exactly is a first? Here's an explanation from the site Bird Searcher -


Any true birder will always remember, and probably excitedly tell you all about, the first time in their life they saw a bird. Not just any old bird; but their first correct identification of a species of bird which they have never seen before. This first-in-your-life bird is referred to as a “life bird.” Or simply, “lifer.”

Have you ever seen a Florida Jay? No, not yet? Well, the first time you do see a Florida Jay, that would be a lifer for you. You’d tell your birding buddies that “I saw a Florida Jay, it was a lifer for me!” But the second time you see a Florida Jay, it wouldn’t be a lifer because you’ve already seen it.

And yes, in some cases I'm sharing photos from another time I saw the same bird, which means they aren't a "lifer" but it was still the first time I saw/ID'ed that particular one, so it's still a "first" (especially since this is just a post for fun, and not a birding report... 😂 ).

Lastly, these were taken with my old Olympus camera for the 2015 shots, and my Nikon for those in 2016, in my Durham New Hampshire yard. I also cleaned them up a ton bit on PicMonkey.

Flashback Friday Five First Feathered Friends From 2015 and 2016

Gray Catbird

Flashback Friday Five First Feathered Friends From 2015 and 2016
I heard this Gray Catbird (on May 23 2015) before I saw it and it took a few before I spotted it hiding in a pile of branches.
I actually captured a little bit of audio back then, just before I saw it...

Flashback Friday Five First Feathered Friends From 2015 and 2016
After that first shot, it then nicely hopped down to the ground so I could get a clearer look.



Flashback Friday Five First Feathered Friends From 2015 and 2016
A female Cowbird calling for her mate on May 30th, 2016.
  Flashback Friday Five First Feathered Friends From 2015 and 2016
A female Cowbird blending in with a Shagbark Hickory Tree, June 11th 2016.
  Flashback Friday Five First Feathered Friends From 2015 and 2016
A male Cowbird posed pretty for me on June 1st, 2016. First on this shepherd's hook...
  Flashback Friday Five First Feathered Friends From 2015 and 2016
... then standing on the edge of the water bowl in the Avian Eatery.


Indigo Bunting

Flashback Friday Five First Feathered Friends From 2015 and 2016
This is the one and only time (so far) I've had an Indigo Bunting in front of my camera.
  Flashback Friday Five First Feathered Friends From 2015 and 2016
I have seen this brilliant flash of blue a few other times since this day (May 25 2016) but never got the chance to get a better shot.

Scarlet Tanager

Flashback Friday Five First Feathered Friends From 2015 and 2016
Late afternoon (around 5pm), a not-so-clean window, and my old camera combined to make this a less than ideal capture of a Scarlet Tanager on May 30 2015.
  Flashback Friday Five First Feathered Friends From 2015 and 2016
The next time I saw one the following year on May 15th, it stayed high in the treetops.
  Flashback Friday Five First Feathered Friends From 2015 and 2016
Although my Nikon was able to get a clear enough shot that you can tell Mr. Tanager was busy grabbing an afternoon snack!


Yellow-rumped Warbler (Myrtle)

Flashback Friday Five First Feathered Friends From 2015 and 2016
And this is the shot that prompted this post - a Yellow-rumped Warbler (a Myrtle, not an Audubon's) high on a tree top on May 3 2015
  Flashback Friday Five First Feathered Friends From 2015 and 2016
This is the same shot, but cropped so you can get a slightly better look at it (and it's similar to the one I used to get an ID). And yes, that blurry bit to the left of its head is a bug flying past - it makes me wonder how cool this shot would've been if I had a professional camera. Still, I can't complain!


Hope you enjoyed my Five First Feathered Friends From 2015 and happy Flashback Friday!


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My photographs are taken with my trusty Nikon,
sometimes utilizing my handy dandy tripod.
Blog graphics created on Canva

All words and images are mine (unless otherwise indicated),
and can also be found on my various social media sites.

Speaking of witch which...


Posted from my blog with Exxp : https://www.traciyork.com/flashback-friday-five-first-feathered-friends-from-2015/


Hi Traci. Oh yes, those lifers, how can we forget, the special ones that always stick out in our memory. In the twitching community it can become so competitive though.

You got some wonderful birds here, I've never visited your part of the world so all of these are new to me and I really enjoyed seeing them and learning about them.

There are two of mine that really stick out to me.

In 2005 I went on a bird ringing course in Port Elizabeth, a place I had never been before.

I was the absolute novice beginner bird ringer (I've actually since then sold all of my ringing equipment), and it was a rather bitter-sweet experience. Under the guidance of a "pro ringer", I was expected to be a lacky really and after I overslept the 5am alarm, was in the dog box with my trainer. So when I saw a Nerina Trogan which is a very rare and secretive bird, I was scoffed at and only one person believed me. He took my word for it and played the bird call seeing if we could lure it out and it worked! We were all treated to a a gorgeous pair of courting Nerina Trogans and their bird calls. That was a lifer for a few of us that day and in a small way I redeemed my morning blunder. Unfortunately I didn't get any photos though.

The other one was not a sighting but a "holding" lifer when I was able to hold a Steppe Buzzard and help ring it after using a balchatri. I'm really grateful for these wonderful experiences and they always bring a smile. Unfortunately I can't remember the name of the gent that took this photo, but it's one of my most prized memories.

Thank you so much for this post 🌸

1618059716446_Steppe Buzzard Ringing1.2.jpg

Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 52 of my contest just started...you can now check the winners of the previous week!

BEERHey @traciyork, here is a little bit of from @pixresteemer for you. Enjoy it!

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Wow, beautiful birds I would say, some of them are not familiar to me but I really enjoyed reading your flashback and get a chance to introduce myself to these unfamiliar birds...

I love all of these and you got some really great shots! I'm waiting impatiently for our summer birds to return!