Here is my entry to the Show Me A Photo Contest Round 6 by @nelinoeva
First off we start with a wild monk parakeet. There is a colony that lives in the power lines near my house and they can easily be found for interesting photos of a bird not native to Illinois. This guy decided to fly off right when I was taking a picture and all I got was it's butt.
Fortunately he was just flying to the branch right next to him so I got plenty of clear shots later on.
Next we have a puffy chickadee that refused to turn around for a face shot. All I got was his puffy winter pants.
Fortunately I found another chickadee nearby that didn't hide his face.
Nearby there was a tufted titmouse eating snow but again it was another butt shot.
Here is a rare find, a blue-headed vireo.
Sadly as I tried to move around for a better shot the branch blocked his beak.
Cardinals always turn their backs to me. They seem to swivel around right when I click the shot.
Fortunately this guy swiveled back around for a nice perching shot.
Finally a starling that I noticed right above my head. So many bird shots end up like this as you point your camera up to the trees. All you can really get a shot of is their butt.
oh. such a variety of species! and you DO have their bump represented, hehe. well done.
I have endless files of bird butts, perhaps they are shunning the camera because I am not paying them enough seeds.
ahahahah :))))) lo. well noted.
now, I can predict the winner for the next round, already!
Cute lil birdie butts 😄 .
The cardinal is gorgeous, I once captured a blue and red one together in Michigan in wintertime..back then with a Nokia, so the quality sucks but the colors came out great.
Feeders in the winter of Michigan is easy pickings for bird shots. I bet you could get a foot away from them to take a cell phone picture and they wouldn't care because they are so hungry for the winter.
Yeah probably, I spotted them in a tree, but you are right, there were feeders in the neighborhood.
If you can stand the cold just stand out there really still with birdseed in your hand and the chickadees will eat right out of it. Possibly squirrels too they get really desperate for food in the winter.
I would do that but I live in Germany now. :)
It might work even better up in the alp :-)
Nice butt shots you got there, all very cute some puffier than others.
The poor birbs have their butts all over the internet now lol.
hehehe that they do.
I really enjoyed viewing your photos and I know how it feels when the birds refused to show they faces but instead swivel when I point the camera.
All of them have cute butts. 😀
I usually end up trying to chirp at them or mimic their sound to try and get them to turn around, but it hardly ever works.
I have never tried this. But it is fun to get their back side. 😀
It's worth a try, it seems to work with cardinals and other really vocal birds like blue jays lol.
I am not sure I could make a sound that can trick the bird 😀
Yep! I've seen many of those butts, too! I seem to have deleted most of my butt shots.
Fortunately I never got around to deleting the butt shots lol.
Who knew they would have value! 😂
There should be a contest for dark silhouettes of birds too, I have tons of those as well. Or birds hidden in branches.
I need someone who is willing to host a contest for silhouette photos in the Shadow Hunters Community. I think there would interest and it would be a good fit. Any interest?
Sure though I've never hosted a contest before.
Take a look at the Feathered Friends Contest post
And the Reflection Hunters Contest post
You could set it up with similar rules, post it into the Shadow Hunters Community, and we could provide 8 Hive in prizes to start with. Divide it up however you want. Both of those contests give hive-179017 or hive-106444 a 50% beneficiary.
We can connect on Discord or if you have questions.