Here are a few sightings this year for this #featheredfriday
Here is a goldfinch using its long legs to hold onto some prairie plants for seeds.
Quite a few were out eating these seeds. Sadly I couldn't get the brighter yellow males in a shot.
I think this might be a Nashville Warbler, sadly it wasn't cooperative in pointing its head the right way so I could see its eye and beak.
A camera testing robin. This one caught my eye because it was the same color as the orange leaves in the tree.
This little tiny flycatcher is probably a pewee of some kind. Most likely an Eastern Wood Pewee.
Here is a copper headed cowbird looking to steal a nest from a yellow warbler by laying its eggs in there and throwing out the warbler's eggs.
Here is a white heron with some breeding plumage.
I always get shots of tree swallows whenever I see them. They are great posers and have a nice iridescent blue color.
Here are a bunch of wood ducks. These guys never cooperate with me and are always off in the distance and shy.
Now for a bonus monarch.
And a busy bee on some echinacea.
I wish I could post this for #fungifriday but I don't have enough material. Just this one mushroom. It needs to rain here more so I can go out mushroom hunting again. This guy is an Elm Oyster a nice edible, sadly most of the ones I find are 30 feet up in the tree.
That's all for now, thanks for looking :-)
Thanks for looking :-)
I love swallows. Fun to watch and beautiful. And the colors change when the sunlight catches them. Nice capture 👍
I found a good spot for barn swallows too, now if only I could crawl under the deck of the lake's boathouse to get a shot of them without falling in the lake lol.