Feathered Friday - Sightings on Stroller Walks

in Feathered Friends11 months ago

Here are a few common sightings while on a stroller walk with my daughter for this #featheredfriday

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I like the park the stroller by the playground while my daughter plays. This sparrow thought the stroller looked like a great place to start a nest.

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I pointed it out to my daughter and she said buurrb. She is just starting to learn words and now every time she sees a bird she says it.

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She even pointed this dove on a wire. Soon she will have to learn the word poop and not to walk under these guys lol.

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My neighbors in the other condo building had to fill in all the starling holes they pecked in the side of the building. Poor things had already started nests and I suspect there are some foam encased baby starlings in there. But the problem was getting out of hand there were at least 15 holes pecked in the side of the building and zillions of starlings were flying around pooping on all the balconies below.

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This dove is smarter to just nest on top of the old apartment building next to us. Plenty of sparrows also nest in the ivy that is slowly tearing apart the brick walls.

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Meanwhile at the lake I spotted the newly hatched geese that were nesting on my neighbor's balcony. My daughter pointed and said goooccce.

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The geese probably recognize us from looking at them over the balcony and they walked the babies right by our feet.

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Anything fuzzy with an eye my daughter will squeek at. I'm sure they looked like stuffed animals to her.

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Now its nap time for both the geese and my daughter. Five geese started trying to pack themselves under the mother goose's wings. There is also another goose family at the lake with six goslings so now they have safety in numbers. So far I haven't noticed anything picking them off. Odds are these babies will be returning to the balcony again to make nests of their own next year.

That's all for now, thanks for looking :-)


Starling are crazy loud buurrbs. They can be a real nusiance. There was a grocery store near our house in Cali that they basically took over the entrance.

Awesome to watch little humans acquire language 😀

My wife was horrified at the starlings still trying to bring food to their blocked off nests. I reminded her to reread watership down where the rabbits were getting buried by the farmers. I suspect if they had left the starlings alone there would have been a good 50 nests there by end of year. Now that my daughter is learning words I have to remind my wife not to cuss as much and we have to watch only pg rated movies from now on lol.