Feathered Friday - Old Birbs

in Feathered Friends2 months ago

Here are a few shots of birds I took a couple years ago but never got around to processing for this #featheredfriday

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Here's a shot of a barn swallow with some mud it its mouth. I took most of these during the spring so it was probably building a new nest under the boathouse.

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Here's another one that was nearby. They are all staking claims for mud nest spots under the boathouse.

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Here is a waxwing chilling in a tree. I was hoping to get the little red tips on its wings but too many leaves were in the way.

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At least I got a good feather flair. I wonder if this is its expression for being wary of a pesky photographer.

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Here is a ruby throated gross beak. It was snacking on some pollen.

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Sadly it was stuffed into a bunch of branches and twigs so I never got a really good shot of him.

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Just when I though I had a clear view, he decided to fly off.

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Here is an Eastern Kingbird sitting on a wire waiting for a dragonfly to fly by.

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They are quite tame and you can get really close to them. I have yet to get one mid-air catching a bug though. Maybe this spring I can stake one out and finally get the shot.

That's all for now, thanks for looking :-)


The birds you show are very beautiful, I love them, friend.

The swallows are quite iridescent in the sun, and the waxwings have interesting markings.

Thanks again :-)

You got some great pictures. The Grossbeak reminded me that I hadn't seen one around in the past two years. I used to have a family of them. I love the kingbird too, I never see them either. Happy birdwatching.

I usually start seeing the grossbeaks once the orioles show up. Kingbirds tend to hang around cattle or horses around here probably because of the flies.

Ah, I see Oriels in early May when they start to return here. I have a feeder for them and they raise their babies in the nearby woods.