It is Feathered Friday again!

in Feathered Friends4 years ago

Hi Hivers

Please may I first introduce the Masked Yellowthroat. A very beautiful bird a little difficult to identify.
He is busy collecting materials to build a nest. There is a wonderful variety of moss and lichen just on this one tree. The rainforest is stunningly abundant.

Screenshot 2021-07-09 at 13.25.10.png

Screenshot 2021-07-09 at 13.25.23.png

I would like to point out I never play with colours in editing on my photos. So many people like to wang up the colour levels on photos when editing - which is all well and good, but I make a point of NOT doing that so you can really see the true colours of nature in Costa Rica. They ARE WONDROUS AND THEREFORE NOT TO BE FALSELY ENHANCED.



That is why you won't see BRIGHT BLUE skies in some of my photos always but what you do see is the TRUE colour of the birds. They are glorious naturally, I am sure you agree.


As for this vulture, I always think they look like they are wearing masks as in a Venetian Opera or such like..


Stay Wild xxx



What beautiful photos of beautiful and unusual birds for me!👍

thank you so much, glad you enjoyed them.

Beautiful birds! They are so colourful and delicate!

thank you so much for your lovely comment.

Everything is so vibrant in the jungle! Love them all!!!