The first picture is, of course, my contest entry for Feathered Friends. The second photo, below, is a few moments later when she agreed to pose.Soon after moving to Costa Rica, we rescued a parrot that had been poached as a youngster and began rehab to restore her freedom. These days she's a free-flying jungle bird on our farm, along with her friend Esther, another rescue who now free-flies. At the time of this photo, though, she was still finding her wings so we kept her on a tether. One of her favorite things to do is go swimming with us in the Canalete River, which crosses our farm. This photo was taken milliseconds after she went for an actual swim--I have a video of that, courtesy of @michelios.
What a pretty bird! 😍
Lollie asked me to say "thank you" on her behalf, and to tell you that she feels she is even prettier when her feathers are dry. :-)

Fantastic entry!
Such a lovely bird and it was so cute watching the video how the parrot loves the water.
Thank you so much for your entry, you put a big smile on my face early in the morning. 😀
Thank you so much! I have two of these birds living in my house--by choice--they free-fly during the day and come home for dinner at night. They put lots of smiles on my face daily and I love them so much!
This parrot is living la pura vida.
What a great post.