🦉 The European goldfinch or simply the goldfinch (Carduelis carduelis)
📚 Carduelis carduus (Latin) thistle

A typical picture, a goldfinch on a thistle.
Goldfinches are not common in my city, and mostly they quickly fly past, or sit briefly on the top of a tree.
In early spring, flocks of these birds chirp merrily and bask in the sun. As soon as the snow begins to melt, they go down to find old fallen seeds that were under a layer of snow.
With the advent of summer, they disappear somewhere, and return with their offspring somewhere by the end of July. At this very time, the thistles are in full bloom, and then family flocks of goldfinches swoop into the fields with thistles.
In autumn, the thistle dries up, but its seeds remain inside the inflorescence, which attracts carduelis. After all, thistle seeds are their favorite delicacy.
These photos were taken in autumn. Pay attention to the 2nd photo. This is a young bird, you see, it has a red spot on the muzzle, not yet so saturated and with small bald spots.

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