🦉 The European pied flycatcher (Ficedula hypoleuca)
📚 Ficedula fi cedulinus (medieval lat.): “A small bird that feeds on figs and turns into a black-headed warbler in winter ”(from: Jobling, 2010)
📚 hypoleuca hypoleucos Greek: hypo below, a little, leukos white, hypoleukos whitish

I recently learned from a specialist that the males of these birds practice "bigamy".
First, the male mates with one female and leaves her when she lays the first eggs. After that, the male searches for the second female and mates with her. After that, the male returns to the first female and helps her to feed the offspring. If the nests of both females are near, then the male will take care of them at the same time.
Nests are built in deciduous or mixed forests, sometimes even in city parks. Nests are usually made in natural tree holes, in crevices, under the roofs of houses.

Мне нравится смотреть, как мухоловки на лету делая полукруг, ловят летящих насекомых.
Удивительно, как они их видят. Видимо обладают хорошим зрением.