🦉 The common rosefinch (Carpodacus erythrinus)
- Carpodacus Greek: karpos fruit, daknō to bite
- erythrinus erythros (Greek, lat.) red

These birds arrive late, around mid-May, almost the very last. And this is connected with their “logistics”, they first fly far to the east and then return back. And when they arrive, there are already leaves on the trees and bushes. It is not easy to see a singing male in the middle of vegetation, but there are exceptions, and for example, there is a coastal forest near a river, there are apple trees growing in a ravine, and these birds like to sit there openly so that everyone can see them.

The bird is almost completely herbivorous, feeding on the seeds of grasses and plants, buds and young leaves. And they rarely add insects to their diet.

Camera | Lens |
Nikon D5200 | Tamron SP AF 150-600mm f/5-6.3 Di VC USD |
What a beaty! very nice shots. There are only a few of them living here in Austria an till now I could't find it. But I am watching out for them.