This is 1st time I enter the contest. Attracted by a great photo by @brittandjosie. Suddenly it flashed, I got it all in my mind, and just had to put it down onto the paper - took less then 3 minutes.
English translation
There is still dust in the air; but gradually it settles and everything calms down, the crowd of mad ducks has already dispersed and is putting themself in order after the brawl. The leader of the pack looked at the curious passerby cameraman with an appraising glance. He didn't seem to like my long black telephoto lens, and he didn't like me either.
--What the f--ck are you staring at? F--ck off! Get out, you piece of shit, you are warned.
--What is the problem, Mister Goose? This is a public space, isnt it? I am not violating your private property. Plus, let it be known to you, there is a law on Trespassing the private territory! And I am totally in the full right to take photographs here.
--Oh, mates, look -- we have another lawyer here! Yeah, come on, try it, if you're so brave. We had another braver not long before you, he came to us here, also was mumbling something about his inalienable rights too. Said he was a scientist and just studying feathered friends habits. I ate his liver with beans and a glass of excellent Chianti!
Russian version
В воздухе все еще стоит пыль, но постепенно все успокаивается, толпа бешеных уток уже разошлась по двору и приводит себя в порядок после дебоша. Вожак стаи смерил любопытствующего прохожего фотографа оценивающим взглядом. Похоже, ему не понравился большой черный объектив, да и сам я тоже ему не понравился.
--Ну, чего уставился? Вали давай! Проваливай, кому сказал.
--А что такое? Это публичное пространство, я не нарушаю границы частной собственности. К тому же, да будет вам известно, существует закон о Проходе через частную территорию! Я имею полное право вас фотографировать.
--Ага, ну давай, попробуй, если ты такой смелый. Заходил к нам тут один до тебя, такой из себя весь смелый, тоже говорил что знает про свои неотъемлемые права. Говорил что он ученый и просто изучает птичьи повадки. Я съел его печень с бобами и бокалом отличного Кьянти!
Nice story line, goose always reminds me of being excellent watch dogs. Make a noise, chase you and protect, lovely big distinguished birds @qwerrie
That is a tough goose with a belligerent attitude! So great to see a comment story from you! ❤️
true! I am fascinated and amazed and surprised myself, finding that I managed to do so!
I am not a writer (well, especially when it comes to english language) and I even nearly cant compete to some brilliant stylish stories I see are being suggested here. So, feel proud with myself. And happy to see a comment that you like it. maybe next time. well, I hope next time will happen, sooner or later :P
Imagination counts more here than writing skills! Your story is great!
its a pure pleasure to get appreciation for this, for my writing. I am very pleased. thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you! - !ENGAGE 20
tokens.So glad you entered and its a great story you are good at these contests will we see you next week?
actually, no! I am bad at writing contests. (at least when the writing supposed to be in English!) maybe I enter in the future, probably. I'd really like to. but it depends on the image ofc. the one you provided this time, was... actually it was very promising!!! thanks a lot for it. and I love an 'ad banner' of this challenge you posted separately, it was immaculate work of design. appreciate it a lot. cheers!