There is one quiet place in the city park where people have hung many different bird feeders. This part of the park is quite quiet. Not many people come here. They are mostly bird lovers who help them during this stormy winter time.
Birds in this place gather in the morning. Many people come to the park for a morning run and at the same time to feed the birds. Therefore, birds have been sitting on the branches of nearby trees since morning and are waiting for their food.
While there is no one, the birds fly up to the feeders and check if food has appeared there. Especially often nuthatch are engaged in checks. They can't wait to get something to eat. They especially like to take sunflower seeds from the feeders.
Even if there is nothing in the feeders, they carefully examine the feeders. Apparently they will eat up that sunflower seeds may have remained in the depths of the feeders.
It's amazing how quickly they got used to this place. It's hard to see them in winter.
When they find a seed, they immediately fly up to a tree branch. There they sit comfortably and begin to slowly peck her with their beak.
And they try to get into the thick of the branches on the tree. Apparently they are afraid that larger birds can take away their prey from them. But in this place mostly only small birds gather.