With the onset of a warm period, magpies can often be seen near the river in the park. Most of them have already broken up in pairs and fly together. However, you can still see singles.
It's been nice sunny weather this morning. I decided to look at the birds in the park by the river. As soon as I began to approach the park, I heard birds singing from afar. This is good. I have not heard such a harmonious chorus of discordant birds for a long time.
On the path that was located along the river bank from afar I saw a magpie on the path. She pecked at something. Looks like she found her food. In these places, people often leave various food for the birds. He began to move closer to her.
I did not hope that I would be able to get close to the magpie. Usually magpies are very shy and always fly away when you start to approach her. Especially since she was sitting on an open path. So I moved carefully. I tried not to scare her.
Soon the magpie began to look at me. I immediately stopped and did not move towards her again. The magpie looked at me and began to peck at its prey again. I waited and didn't move. Gradually, the magpie began to approach me in search of food. I froze on the spot and did not expect that the magpie itself began to come closer to me.
Meanwhile, the magpie came closer and closer to me. Between her and me, the distance was already about 1.0 meters. I was afraid to move so as not to frighten her. But she continued to look for food on the path and practically did not pay attention to me. It was very interesting for me. It was not often that such brave magpies came across. But unfortunately, a cyclist appeared on the path and frightened off this magpie. She flew away and sat on a tree branch on the opposite bank of the river. However, I was very pleased. After standing a little, I went further in the hope of seeing other birds