
Got it. Just like the body which we know is alive through the heartbeat. So ecency app knows we're alivea everytime we log in and gives us a heartbeat and points to go along with it. Wow! Cool! Do you know each point has a US$ value of $0.02? That's one peso in my currency. So that tip of yours is worth P50 already and can buy a kilo of rice which is good for two days for the family? My next question is can we sell these points or exchange them for fiat money?

I could not explained it better. 🙂
I am not sure you can exchange or sell the points. You can boost or promote your posts or any other post you like along with tipping.

Boosting one's own post I think is like upvoting yourself and that's not such a good thing to do. Besides, boosting causes a drop in the value of an ecency point from $0.02 to $0.0033. That's a decrease in value from 1 peso to only about 0.17 centavos. So boosting is not such a good idea. I'll look into promotion. Might turn out better.

I use to boost or promote mainly the contest posts. By promoting you have better chance to be seen by many more and not only in the community you post.

Yes, I think promoting is the best way to use the points 😊