Hello Feathered Friends Lovers,
Feathered Friends - Show Me A Photo Contest Round 70.Before showing some of my last photos, let me remind you that this week I am expecting your entries to #SMaP (Show Me A Photo Contest) and they must be of birds with open beaks. Here is the link to the contest post -
It is not easy to see young birds poking their heads out of the nests and demanding food from their tireless parents. However, I knew where the starlings nest and because the place is not hidden very much and it is basically in school yard, it was not hard to see them. Still if you pass by and you hear the squeaky noise you have to look carefully. Their plumage is so much like the same colour as the bark of the tree. See what I mean.
The second chicken below hid itself but the other one stayed half way through out of the hole waiting for the parents.
There we go, bird with open beak.
On the same tree, a bit higher, another hole was occupied by second starling family.
Here is their chicken. This tree is preferred by the starlings very much. Apparently the good view, being close to school and food resources made it attractive on the real estate market. 😜
Following the theme of open beaks, here is another one, the seagull drinking water.
And off she goes. Actually I don't know it the bird is she or he.
And let me finish with photos of some cute sparrows.
Wishing you a nice week and happy birding!

banner and feather divider created by @barbara-orenya

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Hopefully no one will disturb them. Kids can be cruel sometimes. Beautiful photos, by the way. They gave a good start to my day. Currently I am in the morning, waiting on the bus station to go to work. It is a real pleasure to see these bird photos.
I am a huge bird lover. If you are interested, then I live with a female Harris's hawk. You can find photos about her (and about me) on my profile.
Have a nice day. All the best. Greetings and much love from Hungary.
Thank you very much for your nice comment. 🙂
Seems the birds are doing well, as today when I passed by the tree, the fledglings were already out in the open.
It always amuses me how birds squeeze into such small holes in trees, hollows, etc.
Indeed. 🙂
More amazing is how great and blue tits make their nests inside the poles of the street lamps.
Beautiful! 💚