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RE: A peacock rest today.

in Feathered Friends3 years ago

Peacocks always stand their ground, Solly came over to chase you from his patch!

Image the beauty within each feather, we look at the overall bird never taking it into though the inner markings that allow one spectacular display.



Hahaha, lucky for us we are used to peacocks Lady Joan.

Oh yes, they have many unseen colors and the sun helps to highlight them.


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Peacock and Egyptian Goose appearing more frequently in many places one visits, both stunning feathers neither scared of humans.

Have a great day!

Some of the female peacocks eat out of Marian's hand and of course you know Harry and Sally.
They are on holiday and we expect them back when summer ends.

Hope that you also had a good day my friend.


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Cheeky is still busy bomb diving the ladies, bird feeder always busy with coming and going my daily treat watching them!

Weekend wishes!


Hahaha, yes, that little cheeky is a real pleasure to watch at work and I was always so sad to see him losing his colors and tail at the end of the season.

Hope that you guys will also have a good one.


We have been fortunate this is the second or third year with pin-tailed whydah. Also seeing other smaller birds visit more often than previous years.


Why are ducks good at playing limbo?
Because they can get down.

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Oh yes, and hopefully when he is finally done, then one of the male children will take over.
Lack of food drives the flocks closer to the urban areas.


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