Do you want to participate in this great ¨Show Me A Photo Contest Round 202¨ (Es-Eng)

in Feathered Friends12 days ago
No se imaginan lo feliz que soy al estar en esta maravillosa ¨Feathered FriendsCommunity¨ :  porque tengo la oportunidad de enseñarles cada semana una especie de aves que vemos posada en los árboles que tenemos en el patio trasero de casa. En esta oportunidad hemos podido ver al ¨cardenal¨ :  una preciosa ave que además de hermosa, nos puede regalar uno de los trinares más hermoso del ¨reino¨ de las ¨aves¨.

Source: Family Álbum

You can't imagine how happy I am to be in this wonderful ¨Feathered FriendsCommunity¨ :  because I have the opportunity to show you every week a species of birds that we see perched in the trees in our backyard. This time we were able to see the ¨cardinal¨ :  a beautiful bird that, in addition to being beautiful, can give us one of the most beautiful trills in the ¨kingdom¨ of ¨birds¨.

Espero que, al ver esta preciosa toma de este ave tan bonito y significativo, te incentive a participar de este maravilloso ¨FeatheredFriends¨ ¨Show Me A Photo Contest Round 202¨ :  que lleva adelante nuestra querida amiga @nelinoeva

I hope that seeing this beautiful shot of this beautiful and meaningful bird encourages you to participate in this wonderful ¨FeatheredFriends¨ ¨Show Me A Photo Contest Round 202¨ :  carried out by our dear friend @nelinoeva


Source:  vimeo-free-videos


#Posh compartido en mis redes sociales

Sending you an Ecency curation vote!

Have a great dayThank you very much dear friend @melinda010100 for the great support you always give me. Have a great day