Something Needs To Be Done
In 2024 I didn't take many photos, and I also blogged a lot less than I was used to. The big problem? I had no inspiration at all. It was as if my creative battery for photography and blogging wouldn't charge. Luckily I could express myself creatively with painting and pyrography, so I didn't sit still completely. But of course, you understand that I didn't like the fact that photography was in danger of disappearing from my system. And well, that blogging thing too ... something needs to be done about that.
No New Year Resolutions
Now I'm not a fan of the regular New Year resolutions. Things like walking more (I walk every day for one hour at least), losing weight, or quitting smoking (I don't even smoke!) are just not my thing. Still, I notice that a small goal can give me that little push. And that goal for this year? Take at least one photo every day. I can always use the photos, good photos are also worth a lot for pyrography and painting!
But besides the fact that I can use the photos for painting and pyrography, it is also a possibility that now and then a photo pops up that inspires me to write a blog post about it. I am now trying to teach myself that it does not always have to be a book. Yesterday's photo lends itself perfectly to this! Look, winter in the Netherlands is usually not a pleasant experience. It is cold, it is wet and the wind always seems to blow in your ears. A real invitation to stay inside with a blanket and a hot chocolate - which I have not done this winter. But still, it is precisely those gloomy circumstances that make me kick myself outside.
Feed The Birds
Not so much for myself, but for the animals around me. Of course, Skipper always wants to go outside. But there are also a lot of birds here. And they are cold too! They now also have trouble finding food. So every winter we feed the birds. And yes, even now that I am blessed with the flu, I feel obliged to feed them. Because we do this consistently, the birds stay here in and around our garden, and you just notice that they are waiting for you. That is because we try to feed them around the same time every day as much as possible.
Yesterday, after I had scattered tasty sunflower seeds and other special food for the garden birds at the various feeding places in the garden, I stood watching how the various houses and the large feeding bowl in the middle were busy. It was so busy with birds that I decided to get my camera inside. And when I came back I just saw a tit inspecting the fat balls that I had pushed into the holder earlier. A little further on in the birdhouse a cute little sparrow just stuck its head over a twig. Of course that twig was right in the way. So the result is a far from perfect photo, but I had already achieved my goal for the day, and it is nature! Deal with it and work with what you have.
Revive That Little Spark
These kinds of small moments revive that little spark that I always felt while taking pictures. Capturing something small, something natural, something real. It doesn't have to be perfect. It just has to be authentic. By taking one picture every day, I might get my photography spark back. And I might also have more inspiration to blog a bit more this year.
In short, 2025 may not be the year of good intentions, but it will be the year in which I will play with my camera again. Whether that is indoors or outdoors, with birds or something completely different, we'll see!
I used to do 365 day challenges when I was just starting in photography. They can be great creative exercises, and it's always very motivating to look back at the end of the year and see a cluster of 365 images.
Good luck!
Thanks, although it's not really a 365 challenge I'm following. It's just that I said to myself, "Try to take at least one photo each day, no matter how you feel". Most of the days I just don't have inspiration anymore. There is little variation in daily life, and that makes my inspiration to take pictures almost disappear. I want to try to prevent that. It is a form of relaxation that I used to enjoy so much.
Something to keep you motivated, birds battling through winter, take care and look forward to your posts.
Thanks @joanstewart, winter is not my favorite time ... but let's hope spring is here soon enough. It's much easier for the birds and us ...
Birds are not moving today, it is simply too hot! Look after yourself, you will be sure to find photography rewarding or some other hobby once again.