SMAP 193 - Morning Visit From An Old Friend

in Feathered Friends4 months ago

here. Read up and join us in the fun.Hello Feathered Friends Community. Let's welcome Round 193 of the Show Me A Photo or SMAP Contest hosted by @nelinoeva. Check out the contest post

The theme for this week is:


Lately, I have noticed the return of my morning visitor, Olivia, in the garden. Although I do not think she is the same one because it's been a long time. Over a year already since so she must be an offspring. Still I would like to think of her as Olivia, my Olive Backed Sunbird visitor. It is now simply called the Garden Sunbird.



The garden sunbird (Cinnyris jugularis), previously known as the olive-backed sunbird, is a species of passerine bird in the family Nectariniidae that is found in the Philippines except on the Palawan island group. It was formerly considered to be conspecific with seven other species: the ornate sunbird, Palawan sunbird, Sahul sunbird, Tukangbesi sunbird, Flores Sea sunbird, South Moluccan sunbird and the Mamberamo sunbird. It is a small, brightly coloured bird with olive-green plumage on the wings and back with a bright yellow chest. It has a long downward-curved bill it uses for taking nectar and capturing insects. It is primarily nectarivorous, but will take insects and spiders, particularly when feeding chicks. Wikipedia


I wouldn't have seen her if not for her very distinctive chirping which sounds like a reverse whistle (instead of blowing out air you suck in the air in quick short action). I looked at the direction of the sound and saw her in our purple bell plant. This plant actually had a long rest and did not flower for a really long time. But now the flowers are back. And like a coincidence, so is Olivia. Or is it really coincidence?


It appears she is very partial to the fluids from this plant which now explains her morning visits. You know, a refreshing drink after a hearty breakfast of fat insects and spiders. Who wouldn't like that? 😋 Visits explained.

Yum yum yummy.


My entry to this Round is shown below, which is actually the second photo of this post.


That's all for now. Until next time. May you all have a blessed Sunday.


You are welcome. My pleasure 😊

How nice your visitor is back. Well, even though it may be a different bird, but still it is a thrill to see it in the morning, isn't it?

Always a thrill and a pleasure 😃