here. Read up and do join us if you still haven't.Hello everyone. Welcome to Round 182 of the Show Me A Photo Contest or SMAP hosted by @nelinoeva. Check out the contest post
The theme for this week is:
We have a free theme once again and this means I get to talk about my all time favorite majestic bird, the Philippine Eagle. Not many of you might know that although the Philippine Eagle is the national bird of our country it is here in our city, Davao City, in the island of Mindanao, where they are rehabilitated, bred, nurtured, cared for and finally released in the mountains to be free. As such it is no wonder that in almost all places, especially Davao City, the Philippine Eagle is always made a theme to create awareness and concern about this endangered species.
One of the places where this theming of the Philippine Eagle is manifested is in our city's only nature park, the People's Park. The national bird is prominently featured all around the park, especially at the entrance.
But first, here is what Google Search has to say about theming.
Theming is applied to an environment in order to create a memorable and meaningful experience for individuals or groups that visit the space, and can be expressed through the use of architecture, decor, signage, music and sound design, costuming, integrated technology, special effects, and other techniques.
Welcome to Davao's People Park, everyone.
And right beside this is a giant sculpture of the Eagle which I have already featured here in previous SMAP Rounds.
Walking around the park is like a commune with nature with yet the Philippine Eagle is seen almost everywhere.
This theming of our national bird has even been taken to the next level with it being featured in our country's newest money bill.
The photo below is my entry to this Round.
No real photos as yet of this amazing avian specie. But not for long. Not for long. We are planning sometime in the future to return to the Philippine Eagle Center and when we do, I will most definitely have my own real live Eagle.
Meanwhile, let me bid you all a blessed and peaceful Sunday. Until the next round, wishing the best of luck to all the participants.
(All photos are mine.)
You are truly proud with this majestic bird. Needless to say I am curious and looking forward to your future posts featuring the eagle, especially when you visit the Philippine Eagle Center.