The balloon artist Frigatebird

in Feathered Friends4 years ago

One of the most memorizable holiday trips my wife and I made was one to Ecuador. This country has such an enormous amount of different bird species. We've also visited the Galápagos which has species unique to this archipelo. One of them which impressed me during that visit were the Frigatebirds.

Frigatebirds are seebirds that live around the tropical and subtropical oceans. Frigatebirds their large wingspan (over 2 meter) but despite of that they are pretty good flyers because they are very light. They have black feathers which have a greenish and purple glow in the sun.
But what makes these birds really remarkable is their long and hooked beak and their pouch.


Only male Frigatebirds have this distinctive red pouch under their beak. Female Frigate birds have a white spot on their chest. Male Frigate birds can inflate their bald red pouch to impress the female Frigate birds during mating season.


Most of the time Frigatebirds fly around looking for food. They live on small fish and squid.

Below some more pictures of these magnificient birds.




The pictures in this blog are all taken by myself. Some of the information is from



Manually curated by EwkaW from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

That pouch is so freaking cool looking!

Thanks. I thought so too 😃

Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 29 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!

Pretty incredible looking birds! Your photos are wonderful! Thanks for posting to the #featheredfriends community!


The birds are really magnificent! Excellent pictures.

you were absolutely right, I enjoyed it. (I like the weird stuff).

why, with what purpose, I wonder, the nature have created such a weird design ?.. 😁

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