So legally they cannot actually choose, but if they do so and abandoned the female by whatever means- abortion; etc, then that is punishable.
So how did they get the idea that one is worth more than the other if the law says that both male and female are valuable. Culture or tradition/belief vs the law.
I thought that choosing to keep the male over the female baby was more to do with the now de-funct 1 child policy in China....?
Boys earn while girls need to be given in marriage.. which means you have to give the boy huge sums of money and stuff for the household. The thing from the past traditions and cultures carried forward by a few even today. Boy also bring money when they marry.. a vicious cycle.
So what, don't they know that girls are actually wayyyy better at working and bringing in money than the boys?
And handling work and home life too, whereas boys can only do one thing, but girls have been scientifically proven to be able to multi task wayyy better than boys.
Boys infact, really are the weaker species.
All I can say is they are brain washed and are blinded by their traditions and thoughts passed down the ages. Sadly even the educated folks are like this.
Yes that is a shame. And unfortunately as you too see, that educated does not actually mean enlightened or even intelligent, cause if they were, then they'd have the minds to break out of these archaic and illogical beliefs.
Obviously you are though, as you can see it- the detriment to your fellow females and the entire population and are willing to discuss it AND you're here on Hive- so you are not only intelligent but also enlightened too!
Good luck to you and your family.
Things are changing here.. but not as fast as I would like it to. Women from my country have gone to space, fly the fastest air crafts and are in some of the greatest jobs worldwide and yet.. we are far behind in some areas. Irony of ironies.
Unfortunately when you say it like that, it does resemble the rest of the world- all in varying degrees of denial though...