White-throated dipper Cinclus cinclus Skorec Vodní

in Feathered Friends3 years ago (edited)

Skorec na rozdíl od lednáčka nesedí nikde na větvi, jen tak pobíhá z kamene na kámen korytem potoka a navíc není barevný. Bude to určitě jeden důvod proč jich vidím daleko méně než ledňáčků. Navíc ovšem má rád čistou proudící, mělkou vodu, ne rybníky nebo mohutné řeky. Na této fotce na řece Nežárce je kus pod jezem na prudce proudící mělčině. Vzhled k tunelu ze stromů, křoví a kopřiv je ISO fotografie 8000 a kvalita mizerná. Dávám i foto, z kterého jsem detail vytáhl na počítači.

The dipper, unlike the kingfisher, does not sit anywhere on the branch, it just runs from stone to stone along the creek bed and is also not colored. It will definitely be one reason why I see far fewer of them than kingfishers. In addition, he likes clean flowing, shallow water, not ponds or mighty rivers. In this photo on the Nežárka river, is sitting a piece below the weir on a rapidly flowing shoal. The appearance of the tunnel of trees, bushes and nettles caused that ISO of photography is 8000 and the quality is lousy. I also give a photo from which I pulled the detail on a computer.

skorec.jpg https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/33646692


29.9.2019 South Bohemia, Czech republic https://www.inaturalist.org/taxa/7647-Cinclus-cinclus


Beautiful bird. He seemed to be looking for food in the water.

Yes, when diving, it helps with its wings and searches for food at the bottom.

It's called 'pluszcz' in Polish . :)

Google translate is dash it is "pomlčka" in Czech. Strange name for bird. Probably "lost in translate" ??

This name is sound imitation. It comes from the splash of water. The Latin name is correct. :)

aha 😀

Nice nice. I really need to find it again some time.

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