Some Feathered Friends found on Sunday and Monday

in Feathered Friends5 years ago

June 15th, 2020

We will start our Feathered Friends post with this mornings outing. We decided to do an early morning drive this Monday. Yesterday, as you will see was a great bird day, so we wanted to see if we could see any at the sanctuary. There were a lot of Sandhill Cranes out and about this morning, this is the better of all the shots I got. It was nice to see more than one or two in one frame.
DSC_9929  sandhill cranes.jpg

Okay, now for the Sunday afternoon drive and picnic snack, down to the cannery after an early afternoon outing. I am glad we got hungry, it had been awhile for stopping at the cannery to see what birds were hanging out.

I am pretty sure this is a fledgling eagle. It could be an immature young Golden Eagle, but I believe it was a fledgling Bald Eagle, as you will see below these ones.

DSC_9904 question eagle.jpg

He/she was just kind of hanging in the water. There were two of them, one took off shortly after we arrived, this one seemed to be intent on hunting frog legs or what ever he/she could get from the water.

DSC_9912  q eagle.jpg

Most of the time he/she was just hoping/walking along the water, but it did decide to put on a little wing show, kind like he/she was looking right at me and saying "See how BIG my wings are". It was kind of nice of her/him to do that.

Okay now why I think and lean more toward it being a Bald Eagle fledgling and not an immature Golden Eagle. You may or may not recall the photos we captured of the Bald Eagle in a tree, (the only tree), a few weeks back. We did not even see or notice him today until we turned around and were getting ready to leave.

I am lucky it did not decide to swoop down on me when I walked over close to the water to get a better shot of the young eagle. I was slower than my wife with my camera, but did manage to get some real nice shots.

Low flight over the grasses:
DSC_9914  low flight.jpg
He is just a couple of feet above the ground.

Destination in site prepare for flare out,
DSC_9919  almost there.jpg

Air braking procedure in effect, touch down in t-minus 3 seconds.
DSC_9920  almost.jpg

" ya didn't think I would make it"
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And we have touch down.

It was a very nice picnic stop on Sunday, really made for a fun day, the young one in the water, and the grown one just having some fun flight time. That concludes my Feathered Friends post, Hope to see some of the others that are posted this week.

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All photographs were taken by me on Sunday the fourteenth of June and on Monday the fifteenth of June.


Wow! Love those eagle shots!

It was a full stop, grab the camera and clickity clickity click kind of moment. I was real happy to get him flared for landing and that it was mostly in focus.

Aww so many nice looking eagles, maybe they'll come to IL for winter.

I don't think they really migrate from Alaska, we get to keep them year round.

Ah I see, probably Canadian bald eagles are the ones flying down towards me. Maybe the sandhill cranes in Alaska migrate down to Arizona.

Now the Sandhill cranes do migrate, I am not sure where to but when it gets cold they leave. I think some of the bald Eagles migrate, but not very many we have them all year round, It is so cool to see them sitting in frozen trees in the winter.

fabulous shots of the eagle and his braking. Nice to see the cranes. I didn’t know they came North to Alaska.

The Sandhill cranes are hard to get good in focus pictures of for some reason, I was really hoping they would be more sharp since their wetland area is all green, but it was not the case. I am going to keep trying though. We used to see a lot of Canadian geese in the wetlands, but so far a strike out on them this year.

A fantastic lunch date, I would say! You can hardly ask for better entertainment. You got some wonderful shots. That one with the wings spread is amazing!
Thanks for posting to #featheredfriends!

Thank you Melinda for the recommend to the Pix peeps. It was great seeing the young one out there, just like a typical kid, a puddle of water and they had to splish and splash eventually.

Learning by experience and having fun while he's at it! Hope you get lots of new exposure from the re-hives!

I am sure I did get some new eyes on the post.

Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 10 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!

Thank you for the resteem.

Pleasure mine 👍
And you can thank @melinda010100, she made me aware of your feed 😉

Glad you had time to stop by and check out these great photos from up in Alaska, Pix!

Rest assured I will.


🎁 Hi @bashadow! You have received 0.1 HIVE tip from @melinda010100!

@melinda010100 wrote lately about: Alphabet Hunt-Letter H Feel free to follow @melinda010100 if you like it :)

Sending tips with @tipU - how to guide.

Very cool photos, specially the low flight eagle, @bashadow. Keep it up!

Today I thought on creating a new community on Hive. Do you have experience on it? It will be one community focused on animations, as I searched through Hive and didn't find any community whose focus was 2D or 3D animations. Here on OnChainArt I have to compete with every kind of art, and it seems hard to get attention to animations specifically yet.

I've seen it costs 3 Hives. Is there anything I should know more before creating a new community? =)
Do you have any advice? Thanks in advance.

When thinking about creating a community, is there one out there already? What do you hope to accomplish with your community? There are a lot of communities that are going nowhere. If you create your community will there be people to look for and find it?

It is pretty frustrating trying to get established on the Chain and get some eyes on your post, do you want to pile on more frustration by also trying to build a community? I would still run with the On Chain art or a similar community. Interact a little bit on the owner, admins, and mods post. leave some comments, ask if they are aware of a 2D/3D animation community on Hive. If there is chances are that Midlet knows about it since he is into the 2D/3D animations and even sells some of his.

Creating a community is not that hard, attracting people to post and visit and interact with it is another thing.