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RE: About Three Years Of Silvery Bliss

in Silver Bloggers9 months ago

when it comes to reading blogs I promised that I would wait to read them after I had filled my belly to the max otherwise I found my mouth would get watery and I'd start drooling all over the keyboard. 😁

Feeling accepted and welcomed with open arms is so important if one is to share their true feelings with others.

That sandwich contest was a lot of fun even for a person who thinks that peanut butter and jelly on toast is a hot meal. I'm not a big cook but thank goodness @farm-mom is. She also participated in that contest and I loved that she did because I could always expect a great lunch on that day.

Thanks for all of your efforts in making the SB community so awesome.


I found my mouth would get watery and I'd start drooling all over the keyboard. 😁

It's my third computer here... i feel with you. hahahaha. Thank you for passing by and leaving an awesome message. And the SB's wouldn't be as awesome without you, for sure!!!
BTW... lunch was around 😁
