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RE: Hello. I'm Back. What Now?

in Silver Bloggers6 months ago

I remember you starting the 100 day project. You made a cracking effort, over half way!
Love that plane. G-BOYL reminds me of an Irishman who was in a plane with me in Gabon Africa that crashed. We are both survived well everyone did thankfully. His name was George Boyle.
Great to see you back!


Thanks for the welcome back. It's nice to be remembered. 💚

That plane crash sounds really scary. 😱 Was it a landing error or did you fall out of the air?

It was a smallish plane and lightning hit us during a thunderstorm, pilot tried to land early in a clearing in the jungle but hit trees instead, scariest bit was wondering what wild animals were viewing us for dinner!

Oh wow. That's sounds dramatic. How long before you were you rescued?

Did the pilot say "brace, brace"? 😁