Bye to 2024 and RIP @beeber... let's see what 2025 has in store

in Silver Bloggers3 months ago

The last couple days have been post Christmas leftovers, chocolates and biccies and cheese binging!

2024 to 2025.png

Until we meet again RIP dear sweet beeber.

No time to make a post for Hive. Strictly that is not true, I was making a beer Saturday post on Saturday but put that on hold when I hear about the passing of our dear Silver Owl @beeber on Christmas Day.

She joined Hive on August 11th 2021 and me three weeks later in September 2021.

The next day she posted her first post, it was Black and White Photography Challenge #1 and had a picture of a rose.


She did like yellow and even created a yellow drawing for a wednesdaychallenge with all the yellow pencils she had.

She also had a yellow sea turtle.. and ..

As you can see here, I am not a plankton among fish and whale in the hive ocean. I'm a small sea turtle making it's first steps into the sea ;-)


We were both all over Hive commenting, and would be forever bumping into each other in various communities, usually in the wee morning hours and so we called each other night owls.

It was Beeber who convinced me to do the talk show I ran for a bit in the ecency discord.


I agreed to do it as B said she would help and keep track of things, who said what, who needed tokens, be a the continuity announcer if you like.

Great said I ... and designed the show banner!


Ever the diplomat, beeber said ...


She really was amazing and without her, there would have been no Talk Time with Tengo.

Those first few shows, she would send me all the attendees and who asked what questions, and who won which tokens and points.

She would even send out tokens for me, saving so much time for me.

Alas unfortunately her activity was limited due to the onset of her illness.

Whenever we messaged she would ask about Matilda and practise her English with me and I would rack my brains and bring my schoolboy German back into play.

We collaborated on Dreemport and of course she was a valued Silver Blogger, and took solace she post here on whatever topic she wanted.

Personally beeber embodied what Hive is about to me. It is a social site, and there are some fluffing amazing people here that we connect with. beeber's a classic example with a heart of gold.

I am not one for shedding a tear, in fact in all the years we have been together, it is only at my parents funerals did Mrs T see me greeting as we say in Scotland.

But on Saturday I was teary eyed and raised a glass to B.

Until we meet again my fellow night owl 🦉RIP beeber.


How was your 2024?

I had a wonderful 2024, so much of what we get out of life is directly correlated to what we put into it.

We all have aches pains ailments and problems, I think how you put your mind to tackling them can have a tremendous effect on the outcome.

Shite in Shite out as we say in Scotland!

We went to Newcastle, Amsterdam and the Farne Islands in the summer and had a right old blast.


One thing the winterchallenge on Hive did was to get me writing my travel posts again, I have loads from that holiday, heck I have loads from my return home to the Orkney Islands in 2023 to write about too.

So 2024 was a good year, it got me winding down and thinking about the future. I even had MRIs and hopefully will get some more upto date and effective treatment for my AS, as there are too many side effects rising to the surface!


2025 what's the score?

One thing I did at the end of 2024 was get my site up (for saving money , making money online and getting free crypto) and running and along with @deraaa we will be blitzing 2025 with our socials do a rip roaring trade, catch us on insta and tiktok just to mention a few come Jan 1st!

We have been writing so much content that now needs migrating in the next couple of days so we can really launch MMO. We want to bring users to Hive. We are just testing different front ends out, as to where we want o make our home on Hive!

However I want to do what beeber did!

She came like a whirlwind to Hive and was posting almost every day.

I am not going to put goals on my HP increase, for one thing it depends on the value of Hive!

Rather I will set myself three range of goals

1 To make 5 posts a week on Hive

In theory three of them are nailed being Three Tune Tuesday, Wednesday Walk and Beer Saturday or this year alternating with Saturday Savers Club! Throw in Silver Bloggers and we have four a week without batting an eye.

We leave a legacy with what put on the blockchain. This has been a timely reminder.

Even if it is the music we liked, it is a glimpse of what that mad Scotsman was like and is here for our family and friends to relive those memories.

Memoir Monday #43 (12/30-1/5) - What is one of the most expensive things that you’ve ever bought?With that we do also have the wonderful initiative Memoir mondays from @ericvancewalton and the #blockchainmemoryproject ... You can check week 43 prompt here

What I do want to do is beat my Hive rankings!
So let's goto hivebuzz


Yeah Yeah I can't read it either so here we go tabulised on google sheets and I will review this monthly...


I am ranked 139th for comments which I am pretty chuffed at, as when I do comment I try to leave an engaging and meaningful comment!

Top 100 ... A man can dream!

But, this could end up being a monthly review progress, we shall see what 2 goals I come up with for Saturday Savers.

which brings me nicely to ...

2 Crypto Goals

I was going to say off Hive crypto goals but what with LeoDex and all that stuff you can get a fair bit of crypto from what the InLeo guys are doing, then there is v4v or is it vsc I am terrible with remembering things at times.

I will have more time this year and am going back to what I did about four years ago which was pretty profitable and some trading. That does mean stay tuned to twitter more as there are things popping up all the time that make silly profits.

I want to put 50% of profits into accumulating BTC, we shall see how that goes.


3 Living in the Now

Well that is what I have tried to do for as long as I can remember.

But I want to get back into swimming ...

Then today with the Universe doing its thing I saw ...

Swim22 challenge

What is Swim22?

From 22 March I'll be swimming towards a healthier me and raising vital funds to support people affected by diabetes.

However you do it, you'll end up feeling great thanks to the improved mood that comes with exercise. And to top it off, you'll be raising money for people affected by diabetes.


Dates - Swim22 runs over three months, from 22 March to 22 June 2025.

Challenges – There are three distances to choose from;

11 miles: ‘The Half’ – Half the distance to France, still an impressive feat.
22 miles: ‘The Full’ - The distance of the English Channel, our most popular choice.
44 miles: ‘The Double’ – To France and back, for the more adventurous.

I duly signed up as my mother had type 1 diabetes and had vascular dementia as a result of it. We can pretty much eradicate type 2 with diet and living style but type 1 needs more research...

Then guess what I say on their donations page ...

You can donate with fluffin crypto!


Unfortunately not Hive ... I will have to ask if that can be added!

Right I better stop because this is turning into War and Peace!

If I don't see you enjoy Hogmanay and ...

Lang may yer lum reek!


Thanks for visiting and have a wonderful new week!


All images and ramblings are from me, the mad Scotsman TengoLoTodo unless otherwise stated.

@tengolotodo December 30th 2024


Haste Ye Back!


I talked to @beeber a few times (either on Hive, or on Discord, or on both), but other than this I did not know her.

Rest in peace.

Yes I think many people talked to her.
Wishing you a happy and prosperous new year.

I had interactions with Beeber on Dreemport and she was just sunshine and rainbows from what I remember. So cheerful and full of love. May she rest in perfect peace. She did embody what Hive was about. Rest on and live in our hearts Beeber.

I hope we can get MMO going in 2025! More Horse power!!

Yes sunshine and rainbows you nailed it Deraa!

I hope we can get MMO going in 2025! More Horse power!!

read ...

we will get MMO going in 2025! More Horse power!!

we can get MMO going in 2025! More Horse power!!

Wishing you and your mum a very happy and prosperous new year.

Though I didn't know her, but from all what I read about her from different people, I could tell that she was really a nice person. May her soul continue to rest in peace 🕊️

Your tell is spot on, she was a wonderful person.
Wishing you a happy and prosperous new year.

Thank you 🤗

I was so sad to hear about @beeber's passing. It really hits hard to lose people on Hive. I lost a good friend, @dreemit, a few years ago and although we never met in person I felt like I knew her forever. I really appreciate you mentioning #memoirmonday and wish you and your family an incredible 2025!

It really does hurt losing people you know virtually. Technology is amazing now and you nailed it, it is as if we have known people for ages now.
#MemoirMonday is a fantastic initiative, have you thought about going beyond 52 weeks? From a selfish point of view I love the activity it brings the Silver Bloggers Community.

That's so true and when we meet them face-to-face it feels like seeing family. I'm really glad you're enjoying Memoir Monday so much! I've really enjoyed sponsoring it and learning more about other people and cultures on this platform. I'll have to think about extending it beyond the first year. One thing that immediately came to mind was maybe passing the torch onto another community member to host it (or choose one member each week to come up with a new prompt)? I'll have to give it a little more thought. People are always free to go back and answer the past prompts in either chronological order or randomly also.

Ah okay, that's some food for thought, I shall see what @lizelle thinks.

Ah man, that is too bad. It's sad to lose people on Hive. Especially that way. It seems we have lost one or two over the past couple of years. The platform is definitely emptier without them.

Sad indeed, but memories live on. It just shows the impact users can have on our lives.
Wishing you and Mrs bozz a happy and prosperous new year.

Thanks, I wish the same to you and yours as well!

It was a sad day to hear of Beebers passing. You are right Ed, she did embody what Hive was about, socialising with others.

Glad to hear the rest of your 2024 was good!

Yes Steve it was a sad day indeed but her memory will live on.
Wishing you and all the family a happy and prosperous new year.

Thanks Ed. Wishing the same to you and family too.

I did not know @beeber but she sounds like a wonderful soul that will be missed greatly.

She certainly was that.
Wishing you and the family a happy and prosperous new year.
I shall be waiting for you to start ski jumping in 2025 😜

Same to you and yours!

It will probably be a long wait. lol

It's painful to bear this sad news. May her soul rest in peace. I wish you a happy NEW YEAR

Yes it really is, such is life at times.
Wishing you a happy and prosperous new year.

I was already surprised you hadn't written, @tengolotodo. That's sad news. I too have lost many friends around here and others have also gotten sick. No wonder one of your last comments to me was that I had to live life, the now. How right you were. I hope this year that begins will be better and that you accomplish all your goals, which are many. I think I am also going to organize myself to post daily in fixed communities. Receive a hug, my friend. And if you need another one, I send you two hugs. Happy New Year

It is a shame. And of course as us Silver Bloggers get more Silver we lose more and more around us.
So yes we need to live life in the now!
Yes you post quite regularly which is good. Aha now I like the sound of two hugs, two is better than one 😜 So now my friend I send you three hugs!
Wishing you a happy and prosperous new year.

We are all pain with the lose.

Happy New Year. It's sad when we lose a friend in Hive. Here we establish a different kind of contact: writing shows what real exchange doesn't let us see. The best of that person will be recorded so that their closest friends and family can remember it.

I wish you a prosperous new year with gentle teachings.

Greetings and hugs.

Oh what a great loss. I can imagine how it feels like to lose a dear friend. May she find eternal peace.
So many things lined up, 2025 is going to look pretty good for ya!
Happy new year!

Though I didn't get the chance to know her, I feel sad about her passing. 😑.
Btw. Happy new year😌.

It is very sad that Beeber passed way. She was so kind and with a heart of gold truly. She was one of the first people I exchanged messages with when I joined Hive, if I remember correctly on The Terminal discord. She will be missed here :(

I'm sure you will smash any goal you set for yourself, you are awesome.

I wish you a happy new year, querido! May 2025 be for you and Natalie a good year, with health, love, prosperity and joy.

Big hugs, Super Ed!! 💙

I’m so sorry for your loss, may her soul rest in peace🫶🏽 Happy new year 🎉