3 years Hiversary ~ What 10 things have I learnt?

in Silver Bloggers13 days ago

Hello Hello Hivians

Yesterday up popped a comment from the wonderful @hivebuzz which is shown below ...

Yes I have been on the Hive blockchain for 3 years...

i only know HIVE ... I don't have any emotional baggage concerning the legacy chain.

It has got me reflecting on my time here and what I have learnt...

So I thought I will do a 10 things I have learnt!

Note these are in total random order and by that I mean I have written them as I thought of them. If you know me, I just ramble and don#t bother with editing... so let's fluffing jump in!

Hive is like real life

In there words, the more you put into Hive then in theory the more you will get out of it. This is most certainly true in the beginning. If you just sit around and expect people to come to you, then you will be in for a big shock.

Go get out there and explore some communities. Find a few that are aligned to your interests / hobbies / nationality etc and get to know the posters and engage.

This will help you to connect and get noticed. You will pick up some votes and rewards too.

This wears off though.

Hive often is Unfair

Just like life has a babit of kicking you in the cajones so does Hive. You can spend hours crafting a wonderful post, you know the sort, you edited the pictures, you made collages, you proofread your post and used formatting.

You post it... and you wait and ...


Then it happens!

What happens?

Fluff all!

All that time and effort gets your autovotes and that is about it!

Meanwhile JohhnyOG posts a picture of his mornings dump with a few words and gets close to three digit rewards.

Yeah get used to it... That is Hive.

I like people who try to get involved, who go to different communities who join in with prompts and competitions.

So many people though just come and post in worldmappin for big votes, withdraw their money and rinse and repeat ... the curators give them the rewards.

How are they helping grow the ecosystem? They often don't even engage.

Now we have this Vibes competition as well, with even bigger rewards going to them!

Curators shaft Africans

Lots of what I write could be put into more than one category.

Hive marketing seems to love showing off the water wells in Africa, yet the curators hardly curate Nigerians for example.

Take appreciator, have you noticed they rarely upvote a nigerian post, yet it is almost automatic for filipinos and may Latam users for example?

I know there are bad actors from Nigeria, there are bad actors everywhere. But it seems Africans as a rule get a short straw on Hive.

Don't be a curator/moderator

My advice is if someone asks you to be a curator or community moderator then just say no.

Being an ordinary user is far better, you can post whatever you want whereever you want and can be curated as soon as your post is published.

Once you become a moderator or a curator for a trail that is not always the case!

Like many things in life, you will put your time and effort in to something and it will seem expected hehe.

If your own thing then go for it!

Delegating too much of your HP is selfish

Something I saw today made me add this one. When you delegate you generally do it to receive something back, either dividends or a vote. Which is all great but you reduce your HP stack.

In other words your HP is decreased and your vote is decreased. Voting is a great way to help authors on Hive.

You might think your 2 cents is not much but trust me it is appreciated when someone receives it.

The post I saw was someone mentioned they had delegated to a new token, they delegate almost all their HP and only leave enough to write and make a few daily comments.

Yeah a tad selfish I thought!

Post publishing time IS important

This post is a good example.

I am in the UK and posting times have an impact on me. As a general rule I get around $5 on a normal post. If I post too late in the day it could drop to 3 something.

So when I post early and I mean between 7am and 10am I could get to 7 but more importantly it seems to give time for any whale curators to drop a vote.

My engagement varies on the post.

So yes watch your timing. I often use to write at night and post close to UK midnight, nope that was a waste as not only were rewards small but so was the engagement!!

I am here for engagement and money, yes money I am not going to lie and pretend otherwise...

This post will go out about 9 or 10 pm and I don't expect many comments or much of a vote as it is too late in the day!

Reputation System is almost meaningless

I don't get the point of the reputation system. Only today I was on the page of someone who used to be a curator of a big community and still has a reputation of 74 even though the account is being powered down to zero.

Does that mean that 74 person is more reputable to and in the Hive ecosystem than someone who comments all over the place and posts daily comes from Africa does not get rewarded much but still believes in Hive and has a rep less than 70?

Nah it just means they have been here for a while.

What should be in its place? No idea and I am going to think about it as anything I say will never be seen or acted upon.

DHF funds for marketing / Value plan is pointless

This month is Hivefest, it is the first time I have seen hardly anything about floating around the chain. I guess I have shrunk my circle to people who are not OGs etc.

I see people going on about how great it is to spend thousands of dollars on marketing and going to events etc.

This is to bring new users ot Hive...

Yet we keep getting told Hive needs more users..

So just what does all this use of DHF funds achieve?

Surely giving Dapps money is a better way.

What do I know though ...

I am a Hive user, I was not part of the legacy chain, and therein lies a big problem. Hive is run by OGs and it is not as decentralised as so many people like to point out.

Don't asslick as most Orcas don't spread their vote

When you join Hive you will see the bigger accounts and go fawn all over them...

It is human nature.

Me has a three strike rule. If I engage meaningfully three times without reply I said fcku you and crossed them off my Christmas list.

That is why you rarely see me on an Orcas page, I can count with my finger the nuber of Orcas that I engage with and vice versa.

Means I usually see no drama which is a good thing.

What I have noticed that often Orcas with a dollar vote, just use their autovote and vote their mates 100%.

A great case in point was someone who did power up and became an orca and he received their 100% votes...

Eventually he powered down and became like the rest of us, those votes surprise surprise vanished too!

My voice is fluffing meaningless and always will be

Firstly I was not in Steem so am not an OG which means I only tend to get read by people who joined Hive apart from a few OGs (thank you to ones that do).

I have not met any Hive only people that have any power on here...

I will not invest the many thousands needed to sway things.

My voice therefore will carry on being meaningless.

Good leaders listen .... Time those in charge of Hive listened...

Don't waste your vote, use Auto-Vote

So I have actaully wrtitten 11 things!

Ah well, I am sure if I wrote this properly I could group things together and add things... but I need a coffee and I have something else to do..

Which leads me nicely to real life. Often things happen and we cannot for whatever get onto Hive.

Often that means our voting mana stays at 100%

Don't waste it, set up some people to get an auto-vote.... Not only does it help you get rewarded by you are helping other authors too.

Keep the ecosystem thriving and use your vote!


Thanks for visiting

When is your blockchain birthday? How long have you been here?


All images and ramblings are from me, the mad Scotsman TengoLoTodo. Photos taken with my smartphone.
@tengolotodo 4th September 2024 (4 Premium 0 VR)


### Haste Ye Back!

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Happy 3rd Anniversary Ed! Those are some great tips and straight talking that people should be aware of. It is quite a journey on Hive and a shame more don't go for it as it can work well if you are persistent.

I have picked this post on behalf of the @OurPick project! Check out our Reading Suggestions posts!

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Please consider voting for our Liotes HIVE Witness. Thank you!

Thank you Steve and for the pick too! Hive is a great journey and yes like many things if you are persistent you can make great progress!

Fluffing 3️⃣ stomping up a storm getting social and emotional/economics out in a blurt.

I'm with you, did have a nice silent helping hand long ago when first arrived. On the African side I agree with have some great people arrive who simply be ignored, sad but true two sides to every coin no matter where you live.

Jeez I'm late to the party with painting and house fixing so I am one odd ball that cannot sleep too early nor too much of it, raising my glass of wine (red please) to congratulate you way past your bedtime.....

@tipu curate 3

Oh red wine eh, would that be a south african one, you know I don't remember having a south african wine for quite some time, mind you I don't think I have had a glass of wine apart from in June for over a year!
I hope the painting and house fixing is going as you hoped Joan!

Red wine takes me back to Oxford where I found a few bottles in the UK totally under priced years ago, it was good and helped with warming up when in camper van in Scotland....

Dust flying, moving furniture not such fun older we get, must be done 🙃 last call before the fat lady sings....

Wine pricing was off when it came to some countries, there were bargains to be had, glad you found some Joan!

Hehe you needed the warming up, although Friday here was a glorious September day!

Super aged Cape wine felt like bargain bin diving !LOLZ

Some snow inland temperature plummeted down to 10C overnight lovely gentle showers now problem, my type of weather...

If you lose a date because of bad breath
It wasn’t mint to be.

Credit: reddit
@tengolotodo, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of joanstewart

Delegate Hive Tokens to Farm $LOLZ and earn 110% Rewards. Learn more.

We are at 12C tonight and it was at 9C last week one night. Autumn is here!

All depends on which weather you prefer, most days we simply take in our stride all except the very hot and humid ones.

Congratulations on your 3rd Hive anniversary!!!!

Hive marketing seems to love showing off the water wells in Africa, yet the curators hardly curate Nigerians for example.

I noticed that, but I have to admit that I noticed that the same thing happens the other way around (except for some exceptions)... Many Nigerians don't engage with people "outside" their communities, which makes them even more invisible... I remember that one #HHHLive show (actually two), where people were presenting their communities... The show was very well visited, and the recording was also viewed a lot of times, but nobody from Africa came to share their communities, or even to comment about them... It's not that because it was my show, but it was a good place to promote what are you doing...

Delegating too much of your HP is selfish

I like this point of view a lot! Well said!

This post will go out about 9 or 10 pm and I don't expect many comments or much of a vote as it is too late in the day!

You were wrong this time... as you got a nice number of comments... :)


Thank you Thank you!
Yeah I have spoken to some nationalities, many filipinos stay to the ph and asian communities as they feel most comfortable there, and many Nigerians feel shunned so why would they go to places where they are shunned.
It is what it is , I remember Matilda had a few visitors and indeed I would comments from Hive Nigerians when I was doing my podcast on spotify.

You were wrong this time... as you got a nice number of comments... :)

Hehe it happens to even the best of us🤣 but yes I should have put a caveat in as it was a Hive post...

Talking of Hive enjoy Hive Fest!

I agree with all the way on all of those points. Way to go on three years by the way, awesome! I don't bother interacting with most of the big accounts because they rarely if ever will vote for you. Appreciator may appreciate, but they've never voted for me. It does seem wrong that someone can write 50 words and post a ton of pictures and get huge votes. But like you said, Hive isn't fair just like life...

Thank you! Ah yes interacting with big accounts I found early on to be a waste of time, you would write a great comment and then if lucky get a token vote but no comment. lol that is not interaction.
But there are loads of great people amongst our peers and that is what keeps us here and if we can help people along the way then that is great too!

That's why I prefer to interact with people who like to engage. It's a lot more fun that someone who feels they are so high and mighty in their HP that interaction is no longer important!
Have some !DUO

You just got DUO from @thebighigg.
They have 1/1 DUO calls left.
Learn all about DUO here.

Hehe very salient point, it's sad but true!

Happy Hiversary, Super Ed

I agree with you on most of the things you say here. No, I think I agree in all, lol. Hive is not decentralized at all. It is what it is, but if we put in some effort we can make some profit.

My anniversary this year went by without hype, it was in July and I wanted to write a post but then elections came and my life has been upside down in the last weeks. I'm still looking for the waters to calm down and be more present here.

I missed to read your ramblings, querido jeje ;)
By the way thanks for the reminder, I have to put the autovote. I don't use it on my main account, can you believe? that's not right, hehe.

Bigs hugs and happy weekend 💙

Thank you Super Eli 💙
I have been keeping an eye on what is happening there. I know things seem to be intensifying again, with the Argentinian Embassy being surrounded, power cut but at least the main opposition leader is in Spain safe.
Well Hive it is what it is. But I thought I would say my mind and not blindly say how wonderful it is all the time!
The autovote you know I wondered about that jeje!
Big hugs and I will be talking soon querida 😘💙

I salute you Mr Tengo, wonderful knowing you've been on hive for 1095 days now (well, maybe an increment courtesy of leap year).🤔
I must admit you always speak plain and entertaining at the same time. Just hoping we see the needed changes we so hope for this wonderful ecosystem.
I'll do well to check my anniversary.

Thank you Dani, and look at you and 1095 days, over a thousand days eh, that sounds more impressive than 3 years lol
Well Hive is what it is. I have always been one to speak my mind, does not always bode well for me, as truth often has a habit of hurting!

Stick to your boldness, you'll have admirers.
In general I just wish this ecosystem becomes very friendly with everyone in entirety. Happy Sunday friend, enjoy the new week.

Thanks Dani and happy Sunday to you.
Well it is what it is, unfortunately we can't all be friendly to each other, that is human nature.

TG I must confess that this post made my day reading it and the 11 things you mentioned are salient points. I loved your candidness, I loved your unreserved opinion and yes, you have spoken my mind and the mind of many Africans, especially Nigerians. Does the fact that we are from the third world zone make us less human, less brilliant or less undeserving? I have watched the happenings around here and I have to understand that this is just another centralized platform, the only difference is that you alone have the keys to your wallet.
I don't lick ass, just like you, if you don't reply comments or acknowledge my contribution to your post.. au revoir, that's it.
It's easy to say don't power down when you don't have a need and you live in an economically bouyant society but have you considered someone who's hungry and lacking and actually needs a few dollars( just enough for a cup of coffee in some place) to sort out some school fees of a child?
Let me not burden you with a very long comment. Thank you for being fluffy 'you'.🙏

I must admit there are many accounts who are older that are powering down, I know alot of angst is also aimed at them.
There is much drama on Hive which I am not party to, and that is because I don't follow the high and mighty accounts.
Hive is what it is, if I can make some people happy then I am happy and it's a place I will still frequent.
At the end of the day, they are our keys and they are our rewards.

This has to be the best post I have read today. It just covers everything and all things at the same time. I always admired how not afraid you are to say your fluffing mind (unless it’s me of course then you go soft like pancakes - which I appreciate and love).

Happy Hiversary Dear Eddie! I love it for you and I know we will (hopefully) celebrate many more together.

Well thank you Deraa.
I have always stood up for the underdog as a rule and have no problem speaking my mind. Truth can upset people. Now in this woke society we get called far this or far that, a bigot or worse.
Anyway .... this ...

unless it’s me of course then you go soft like pancakes

Or donuts...

So many hanash Uncle, but yeah Hive could compare in real life!

What is hanash?

Happy Anniversary Ed! Timing is important and I couldn't agree more to that 🤣. My fuck you list is pretty similar, I suppose it's two than three for me 😂 if the vibe is off, bye haha

Thanks Mac and yeah timing is important...

My fuck you list is pretty similar

Haha now that is a belter of a name for a list 🤣

Happy Hiversary sir

I learnt some new things while reading will be putting them to good use . Thanks you

Thank you, I hope you found something useful

I sure did

Happy belated Hiversary!

You make some very valid points, and many things are the way they are because that's how it's evolved. It's not good or bad, it's just the way it is. My trust level on Hive is extremely low because I've seen too many scammers and abusers, hence my circle of upvote is pretty small. Most times I try to support new accounts I end up down a rabbit hole digging out more shit.

Wrt to your voice being meaningless, you don't need to be an orca to be heard, and you don't need to invest to become an orca. That's why there has been so much talk recently about people milking instead of growing their account.

OG or not is really irrelevant, you're handful of people who joined Hive directly that I've seen are making a positive impact on the chain, if we had more people like you and the others and less milkers and scammers we'd be in a much better place

Thank you so much.
Yes Hive is what it is. It is a quite remarkable platform but from time to time I like to rant with my ramblings I guess.
I tend not to see any of the drama as there are only a few larger accounts that I look to read, but people have a habit of Dming me links and I get sucked down a rabbit hole lol.
Hive is still a great place and if I can make people happy then I am happy and back I will keep coming.
Just like life we can never please anyone.
Although I feel like a labour backbencher. Speak your mind or disagree you will be fired🤣
Anyways do enjoy HiveFest and Croatia.

Recibe mis felicitaciones por ese premio a la constancia, tres años es poco para aportar a la comunidad cuando menos lo pienses estarás celebrando 30 años

jeje gracias y 30 años seria increible 🤣

Happy 3rd Anniversary!
I agree with many of your realizations.
I was once questioning the reputation score too, but it seems like it's how long you've been here, posting and commenting. It doesn't really reflect much. I also don't know what's the better replacement for it.

I am a Hive user, I was not part of the legacy chain, and therein lies a big problem. Hive is run by OGs and it is not as decentralised as so many people like to point out.

Ouch. The truth really hurts. I'm also not part of the legacy chain so there are some things I don't know about and it sucks. Maybe better for us not to know about them? Past is past? No idea. OGs.. oh well.

Anyways I can't help but feel sad sometimes, and reading this post, I thought I was the only one who had these thoughts. Turns out, others also feel the same way.

Happy anniversary still and sorry for the late greetings!

Thank you Witty.
I guess it was time for a wee rant. I think Hive is great and I love it, but I think I get fed up with those up top basically having a go at people under them.

I thought I was the only one who had these thoughts. Turns out, others also feel the same way.

There are many with these thoughts, but only numpty me that puts them on the chain 🤣

I was brought up to be a Projects Manager that does not show problems unless I have a solution!

Many of what I highlighted I have no solutions for, but I wanted it down in black and white and let people know they are not alone!

Many thanks for stopping by and commenting!

Actually, it's a good thing that you brought it up even without a solution. Who knows, someone might able to read this post and can think of a solution/solutions!

Ah yes you never know, thanks for that witty.

Happy Hiversary my friend.
You summed it up on what is happening on Hive. I have also the same view, but I prefer not to just spell it out like that.
At least we are still having fun here on Hive isn't it?
I hope I will not get you 3 strike rule, as somehow lately I have been busy in real life, so I could not engage as much as I wanted to be. : )

Thanks Eka, and you my friend will never receive my 3 strike out rule. You engage and always have done 😁.

At least we are still having fun here on Hive isn't it?

Yes... I would have cashed out long ago if I wasn't!

Great post, i think many think and feel the same. Happy birthday 😀

Congratulations, 3 years of accumulating experiences and you have written them down here. I like your sincerity and your way of rambling.
May you have many more... I'll be here, reading you.

Nani Nani Nani so good I say it thrice!
Thank you so much and yes once a rambler always a rambler 🤣


A hug!

Received thank you!

 13 days ago  

Happy 3rd Hiversary Ed!
You are the most diligent curator, I know you sacrifice a load of time, it is not as simple as it seems.

Then it happens!
What happens?
Fluff all!

Yep, all the time. Ditto to everything, the ones I'm so proud of end up with hardly any rewards. Then I do a quick one with very little effort and it makes the trending page.

The rewards of course are appreciated but very disappointing that not many are reading one's content.

As for Vibes, I have a friend who makes an effort with her entries but there are a ton of new Hivers publishing songs with zero effort, extremely shoddy, and they're earning well.
I know I'm whining, but what's happening around here?
We can just take things day by day, much as in life, right?

Hi Lizzie and welcome to the whining club 🤣
It is what it is, and we meet some great people on Hive. As for Vibes, I was looking at some of them and thinking they were pishpoor, but who am I to judge.
Yes day by day os the way to take it, and laugh about it all, as most of it is outwith our control!

 12 days ago  

Yes, one can only chuckle, but I believe the abusers are making a mockery of Hive.
Thankfully, I've met some wonderfully sincere Hivers who strive to bring value to the blockchain and are here for the long run, not just for instant rewards.
So yes,

Hive is like real life

The lesson here is to focus on the positives, and enjoy Hiving!

Yes Hive is what it is, there are users of all stakes that are making a mockery of Hive.
I can't blame people coming for instant rewards, that is how it is often sold to them.
But like any good place, you always come back to see the people!

 9 days ago  

It's certainly not perfect, but it isn't all bad. It makes me kind of sad to see so many people down on Hive lately. I'll never try to make someone believe it's easy. I'm nowhere near where I thought I would be when I first started. I actually have a lot of opinions on some of this stuff, but it's probably better just to leave it be 😃

I actually have a lot of opinions on some of this stuff, but it's probably better just to leave it be 😃

Hehe you are in more of a position to change things than most of us.

It is what it is. Hive is still great but it is like an old boys club at times. They though have adapted to survive. You are one of the handful of orcas I mentioned that are the exception so thank you for that.

I figured I might be one. I appreciate that. Sadly, I think the African contingent kind of damaged themselves. The early users were all about tag abuse and milking as much from the system as they could. I believe they even had community groups where they would show others how to milk the system seminar style. Sadly, I think that has left a bad taste in a lot of people's mouths and made it harder for the legitimate Nigerian users. Of course, some would argue the larger accounts are doing nothing less severe I guess...

Hehe yeah I think we have talked about you being one of the ones before. It is appreciated by many. There is nothing worse that being ignored.
I have seen farming groups from many continents so a shame what happened before affects users now.
But yes that is life, and what some of the larger accounts are doing haha no comment!

Thanks for sharing these tips boss boss, I learnt well from them and now I know what to do and what not to do😁

Hehe my pleasure.

You made some great points! Oh wait, I'm an Orca. Am I disobeying some secret rule by commenting and voting? 😁

Heeh thanks Mel, you are one of the handful of orcas I mentioned that are the exception so thank you for that. All you do for ecencials and shadow hunters is immense and thoughful. Thank you for being you!

Thanks Tengo ♥️ I was feeling pretty beat up after the personal attack I got when I asked an arrogant ocra for a vote for the Ecency Proposal. I really really needed your kind words.
You are my superhero to the rescue!

Oh no, why do some people have to be like that!

I learned a lot in this article. Especially on posting time. I think I should learn how to schedule my posts.
Happy anniversary.

Thank you and yes I forget about scheduling posts! Great idea, I generally don't post if it is too late, I just wait until the next day hehe!

I think I will experiment on the most optimum time that I can get more engagement, not just auto-votes .
So far, I have observed I've been getting mostly autobots... I mean auto-votes and not much comments even I post some questions at the end of my post.

Suffice to say, I feel like most of the people here just upvote without reading the article.(if the votes were not automated). Although, I admit, I do that too sometimes. Just click the upvote then go to the next article.

I use the autovote as sometimes I just get on Hive to curate my communities and read blogs of friends. So often I would have missed voting for people that I want to reward.
I know there are far less people engaging than when I first started Hive. Mind you I don't mind receiving large autovotes hehe!

Will be interesting to see how your timing experiment goes!

JohnyOG 😂😂😂😂 Happy Hiveversary! !BEER

hehe you read! Thank you!

I do tend to read the posts I manually upvote! 😉

I tend to be the same 😁

Hey @tengolotodo, here is a little bit of BEER from @pardinus for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

Happy Hive Birthday @tengolotodo

See, now only I've read your post😁. I'm not sure if your ranting or just voicing out😛

Oh so you finally found it hehe
It is where it is, I know you were pretending to look but looking away!
I am teasing, yes next one I shall make you laugh again!

😁😁😛 hehehe