Summertime on the Back Porch - by Sunscape

in Silver Bloggers8 days ago


As fall weather is fast approaching, I thought I would share a few photos from this summer. This is my favorite place to sit and relax every day, yes it is my "back porch".


It is the perfect place to stay cool from the heat of the day, and when it is raining, it is so peaceful to sit and listen to the rain falling.


These rain chains collect water from the porch roof that falls into large buckets to water my plants. Besides being useful, it is pretty watching the rain going down the chains.


The table and chairs are opposite the little pond. We love to have lunch and sometimes dinner on the porch and we get to watch the frogs and birds in the pond.



This morning dove was heading to the edge to get a drink from the water.


The butterfly garden is in full view and I get to watch the butterflies, bees, and birds that visit this garden. I love how the hummingbirds enjoy the nectar from all the flowers I plant for them.


Soon I will be trimmng back most of the plants and top-dressing the beds with ammendments. I am holding off until I know the butterflies and hummingbirds begin migrating.


The weather is still warm during the day, so Mika and I are still taking full advantage of the porch. Usually the month of October is when my husband and I enclose the entire porch for the winter.

It helps to keep the North wind off the kitchen sliding door and I don't have to store the furniture over the winter. It keeps the snow off the porch and sometimes, on a nice sunny day, I will have a cup of hot cocoa on the porch.


Mika is patiently waiting for me to play with her in the yard with her chase toy. It is a daily routine and then she will come and sit with me to rest and sometimes take a nap in my lap.

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Mika is chillin out after playing with her toy as she got a bit overheated.


She is resting her head on my ankle while napping on the footstool. She knows when I pick up a book or my tablet that it is time for her to settle in for a break.

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Often, I will give her a treat to chew on and she will lay on the lounge chair while I read. I think she feels I purchased that lounge just for her, ;-)


Or, sometimes dad will sit with her while she enjoys her chew. Here is "whatshisname" as @manorvillemike so fondly refers to my husband. He finally made it into my post, lol.


The setting sun is streaming in and casting shadows across the porch. This is such a peaceful time of the day, relaxing with a glass of wine while dinner is cooking in the oven.


This pretty much describes life on my back porch throughout spring, summer, and fall. It is my little sanctuary where I get to enjoy all the creatures big and small that visit my yard.


Now, it is time to sit and watch the fireflies come out, what a perfect way to end the day. Thank you for joining me on my back porch. Peace, love, and joy to all my friends.

Until next time, this is Sunscape
Sun. Scape. Ing Your Day

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Such a beautiful yard you 3 have ..Quite a bit of loving hard work to get that way... 😊

 7 days ago  

Thanks, Mike, we do love hanging out there together and watching all the wildlife visit. Best spot in the entire house!

 4 days ago  

You've certainly created a beautiful happy living space @sunscape, make the most of your porch before winter sets in! Lovely photos as well <3

 4 days ago  

Thank you, Lizelle we do love our porch and the gardens. It is so relaxing and peaceful enjoying nature. Fall is arriving quickly, and we will be inside most of the time.

Such a beautiful place to live🥰

 7 days ago  

Thank you!

You have a beautiful porch😍😍😍

 7 days ago  

Thank you, Denisse, we do enjoy the porch and the yard.

Picture revealing a beautiful environment

 7 days ago  

Thank you! We love our yard and porch it is so relaxing.

Beautiful place with garden views. These photos capture the magic and beauty of your garden. Your spot is very special with very good vibes. A relaxing and nourishing place!

 7 days ago  

I'm glad to share my sweet spot to enjoy nature and relax. I love being on the porch all season long.

I would have to drop by one day! 😂

The view of your yard from your back porch is very beautiful and I love your back porch, it's very comfortable.

 7 days ago  

Thanks, Edith we enjoy the porch and the yard as it is so relaxing.

What a simply wonderful back porch! The rain chains must sound so lovely! And plenty of Mika photos. Your gardens are so gorgeous, sigh….