We're Moving!

in Silver Bloggers3 years ago


'So I was thinking, if you don't want to move to England, we could move to Tasmania?'. Jamie's been a bit miserable here for a while. Not intolerably so, just squish it way down where no one can see it unhappy. I don't want to move back to the UK. But it's crowded around here, conservative, and - well, we're bored. Plus, how long can we maintain a five acre property for?

'Sure!' says I, much to his shock. I think he thought he'd have to talk me into it, but he did talk about doing a boat building course in Tassie next year and I said yes, so I don't know what kind of wife he thinks I am.

Could this be our new home?


We spend all day gardening and barely touch the sides. The house up the road has gone on the market. Houses are selling for waaaay more than we ever expected, due to the pandemic. We could do a straight swap for a place in Tassie. But we want to be closer to the ocean (I need surf, and just the ocean) and Jamie wants to sail.

I message my bestie in Tasmania. She is teaching a vipassana course so can't talk. She doesn't believe me for ages. She's wanted me to move down for like, forever.

Sunday 7 am

I get a Whatapp from Tam. She's already sending me links to houses on realestate.com.au. We start looking. And then there's a snap - we both find the same house at the same time and send it to each other. It's in a place called Dodges Ferry.


I'm just going to give you images from realestate.com.au because that's where I am right now, drinking my Sunday cuppa, so don't get annoyed with me. But look at the place! Not THESE places, because obviously we haven't bought a house YET - but does this mean I CAN LIVE BY THE SEA AGAIN??? I'm starting to feel queasy. Let's do it, I say.


Jamie starts looking at jobs. There's a good handful. I tell him I'll call the bank on Monday, see where we are at. I'll call the real estate agent, see what they reckon. Oh, and I better call my parents as well.


I'm excited, and terrified. Who would have thought that in three days our whole way of thinking about 'home' would change?

The pros, as far as I can see them, are this:

  • Surfing for me, sailing for Jamie
  • Close to Hobart
  • Easy to fly back to Vic to see family anytime, and cheap
  • Better value for money
  • Smaller property is easier to maintain
  • Great place to see out an apocalypse
  • A new adventure - plus tons of hiking etc for adventures

And so on, and so forth.

Would you come visit?

With Love,


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Well, that makes it harder for me to impose upon your hospitality but all is not lost, I fucken love Tasmania.

See you there.

Well you would be welcome!!! There's a job going at Port Arthur doing education programs.. trying to talk Jamie into going for it. I'm terrified but excited.

Terrified but excited seems a good balance...I'm a bit jealous as I'd like to call Tassie home someday. (Still, maybe it'll happen.)


It'll take us a while to get our shit together, it aint happened yet. But I'm so excited. We're out there in jan so we'll have more of a look see. Don't be suprised if we say we're moving to SA, we're air signs so difficult to pin down lol...

Haha...Well, I'll wait until you're settled to plan my next trip then.

I think that one of the most wonderful movements that happen in life and soul, are the moves, even more so when you just decide and go for it!! I'm excited for you, I keep watching videos of Tasmania on the internet, I don't think it's a coincidence to see your post now.

I love this, I wish you all the best, aalways!!!! 💚

Thankyou! It's sooooo beautiful. I can't wait. It feels like the right time!!!

Wow, it’s a beautiful place! I wish I could move in beautiful place like that too. Wish you all the best.

I think you WILL be in a beautiful spot before long!

Haha! We are in sync, I was looking at properties in Japan and Costa Rica yesterday. In my case with no serious intention but in your case... yassss it seems to make a lot of sense. You and your hubby are so lucky to be able to share these life goals and to just be resilient and adaptable together.

A conservative neighborhood, maybe that's done it's time. Your amazing spirit, your compassion, your curiosity and a bunch of other amazing qualities could be more appreciated elsewhere no doubt! The empowerment of an open minded community will go a long way!

 3 years ago (edited) 

I know right? I thinkas it's closer to a city whilst still being small is a good thing. Lots of cool people moving there as well, the dynamic is changing. I wish we could move tomorrow!!!!

Wow, Japan? Amazing. You are in quite a cool spot though, no? We can but dream!!

 3 years ago  

Oh my, it looks dreamy!!! Instead of heading off into the forests, you can head off onto the water. It all fell so nicely into place, how could it not be the right decision? You seem very clear on this to me. Do it. I'm happy for you.

I'm so excited, but also daunted 're logistics!!!

 3 years ago  

Moving is very difficult!!!! But you do get there soon enough, and your move stops consuming your life.

So you are buying that particular place? It's so beautiful!!!

Oh man, that's a pretty joint! You could park a boat on your front yard!

What about hurricanes? Do y'all have those over there? Or a tsunami. 👀

No hurricanes down here nor tsunamis! Apocalypse proof....!!!!


I might move to Tasmania.

I've been away from Tas for just about two year's now and missing it greatly. Hope you both make the move as I think you will like it.

Where would you recommend? Been looking at Dodges Ferry....

I loved being on the west coast of Tas for all the forests, mountains, lakes, walking tracks, 4wding /quad bike tracks. Don't think you would get much surf at the beaches around Dodges Ferry from memory. Best surfing is on the west coast and around Marrawah on the north west coast is meant to be really good surfing. The thing with Tas is basically it's all good were ever you live depending on personal expectations of course.

Hmmm, I thought there were little waves at Clifton and around that area? And Marion Bay way? I don't need huge surf, just enough little waves to keep me in the water. We'll be out there in January so will look aroundmore then, meanwhile try not to get fomo as i know houses down there are going like hot cakes!

Should be enough for you in that area then if all you need is little waves. Definitely worth having a look around.

Wishing you all the best on your new adventure.

Whoa! That was a surprise! But river by the sea? No brainer!

My first thought was climate change and rising seas, though....

Will be watching to see what happens....

OH it'll probably be at least a year and we might change our plans a million times - we are air signs after all. Ha, yes, a river by the sea is absolutely perfect, right? Climate change and rising seas - as long as I buy a few streets back, I'll have ocean frontage in a few years, right? :P

so much better than england!

I know, but he's like my YOrkshire granddad, once they leave the old country they never stop bloody missing it. We've been back a few times as well and he ADMITTED it wasn't the same and it was hard to live there - but he gets back to Australia and just dreams of an England of old, nostalgic and imagining a green land that doesn't exist. I love England, don't get me wrong, and in an ideal world I'd have a house in Devon near the sea and a house in Australia and do six months each, but I'm not rich. It's sad though, it's hard to miss your home country.

Es una gran aventura, creo que lo disfrutarán y esto es lo maravilloso, que lo quieren y el destino se los da.

Oooooh! How exciting & terrifying!! But, mostly exciting :) lol i am so happy for you and Jamie and your next adventure!! Sooo cool!! And, totally fun. ❤✌💫

That’s fantastic! I’m happy for you and Jamie! It will definitely be a good change for you, being that close to the water and getting some surfing and sailing is going to be fantastic! I keep trying to convince my wife to bite the bullet and sell so we can move where we want hahaha she’s a little hesitant at these exorbitant prices but selling in an expensive area and buying in an area we can pay the house off completely is a huge goal of mine.

The area looks gorgeous!

That's a super duper area.. You won't get bored there.. But I am sure you will miss your garden. I didn't think that you would move right away because I remember yiu told me you might be movingp in 5 years maybe..

Wow that is big news and very exciting. I never made it to Tassie, but really wanted to go, especially to see the old growth forest. That view is amazing, how big is the plot? I could really see you both living there xxxxx

Well, we're actually looking at something less than an acre. As we get older it's too hard to tend so much land and we know we can do a lot on a small bit of land. I mean, we had dreams of this huge acreage once but it's so unrealistic and we miss walking to the shops and being in a community, you know? So it's not set in stone yet, we have to go out to Tassie in January anyway and we'll do a scout then. We're bloody airy as all fuck so who knows what we'll end up doing, but on the wkd, we were pretty determined, so let's hope the price is right and we can sell our house and at least make a tiny profit so Jamie doesn't have to work for a bit and he can enjoy setting up with me. Then, you can come and visit, right?

Wow! You continue to amaze me with how you can just pick up and move on - I kind of want to put my roots down and stay where I am which was the place of my choosing - in the forest. It was either the forest or the ocean and the ocean was way too expensive. That is an absolutely gorgeous place and I can see you being very happy there although it must be hard to leave your garden and all the development you did on your place. Keep us updated and who knows when things open up more I'd love to come spend some time there - get away from our winters!

The ocean IS too expensive, but I need it so badly. YEs, it's going to be soooo hard but a clean slate will also be nice!!!! Oh yes, if you could come visit - wow, how amazing would that be! Now you are retired you'll be able to do what you like, right?

Would you come visit?

A boat course? Sailing? You know, for some time I thought that, if for some reason J. and you broke up I'd, marry you. But you know... I'm thinking if I shouldn't marry J. instead.Would you tell him? Or better, you two could adopt me.

Amazing place indeed, I'm sure you two would be happy there.

Hahah, I think we have too many chickens to adopt a Brazillian as well....

HAh but they won't no sexy chicken like myself \o\o\o\

Amazing Tasmania! Thaks for the post, @riverflows.

The place looks extraordinary beautiful. For sure it is also a dream place for people who love to travel! :)

I keep looking at houses and dreaming. We still need to find the right one!

Good for you guys. Adventure keeps you young!
I hope it all works out for you.

Currently we are being fussy with houses and realising we might not be able to afford what we want...

Living In An Off-Road Truck > Beachfront property... I'm getting suspicious...

Heya River, haven't read the chain for a few months now and opening the app, the first thing I see is this post :D

Could you talk a bit more about your reasons, mainly the whys? I scrolled back in your timeline but could not really discern what would make you leave your home and garden you so lovingly cultivated?

Also, why Tasmania, besides being close by? What's the rationale?