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RE: Finding The Lady Slippers

in Silver Bloggers4 years ago

Yellow lady Slipper...I would love to see that color of the Lady’s Slipper Hannes. 🌟

It takes five or more years for the seeds to germinate. They are a rare flower and I hope people aren’t trying to pick them or replant them in their garden as they will not grow well outside of the habitant of the forest that has a certain soil fungus needed for them to survive.

Thanks dear Hannes for your generosity and gifts. 🤗


Whenever I find one in nature I will show it to you, but I haven't seen any of these in many years:

People are stupid - often I find cut flowers which people wanted to take home and then changed their mind. Even if the flowers or plants are not endangered, there's no need to ake anything with you that grows in nature. And as you say, the plants might not even be able to survive in their garden.

You're most welcome, dear Jo, I hope you will have a wonderful Frigg's day and a great weekend 🤗🌞

!PIZZA and !BEER - sounds like a nice dinner :)

Thanks Hannes. We do have the yellow and white (showy) Lady’s Slipper here on the Island but I have only come across the pink ones.

The white Lady's-slipper is a rapidly declining treasure, along with the others, due to habitat loss.They really are an endangered species.

This morning’s sun looks like a nice day is unfolding.

Wishing you a wonderful Frigg’s day again Hannes.🤗☀️

Thanks so much for goodies and gifts. 🍕🍻

My pleasure Jo 😊
We have had another hot day and the weekend is going to be hot too. All around they have storms and hail, but we have only got a few drops ot rain last night.

Have a wonderful weekend, dear Jo 🤗🌞

!PIZZA and !BEER - sounds like a nice dinner :)



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