Very poignant, Denise.
I'm often astonished by the seeming indifference of the general public towards those who have fallen. People take for granted that which they ought not. The thing I like about you most is that you don't ... and initiatives like Wreaths Across America remind me that, thankfully, you are not alone.
I hope all is going well.
Merry Christmas to you & yours.
Merry Christmas, Quill!! @quillfire
I absolutely have absolutely encountered indifference and even outright hatred, although rare, it has happened by interrupting (I'm being nice here) the funeral services of a soldier.
I have the deepest respect for you and how you have lived your life. Given your lineage as an expeditionary force member, your words warm my soul. Thank you. It is always good seeing you pop in now and again.
I am well and I hope you and Katie are too! College is over this year for her, yes? :)
Merry! Merry!
Hi Denise.
Katie has one semester to go. Upon graduation she's going to take a gap year to work in a neuro lab before starting her PhD in Biomedical Sciences (she'll still take a couple of courses during her gap year as one of her scholarships requires her to remain an "active student"). She just received her final grades for this semester ... 4A's & 1 A-. Nice. Part of the reason for her gap year is to align the commencement of her PhD with her long-term boyfriend whose Bachelors will take an extra semester to complete as he's double-majoring in Astronautical & Mechanical Engineering.
BTW, Katie says hi.