Our Emotions Drive Us

in Silver Bloggers3 years ago (edited)

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In my post "Why I Need To Reinvent Myself After Retirement", I gave three important reasons why I need to reinvent myself. I also mentioned in my post that if I want to achieve an important goal, I must know the "why". To me the why is more important than the what (the goal) and the how (strategy to achieve the goal). The why is the motivation that you need when you hit brick walls, the strength you need when you have to start all over again and the force that will pull you through obstacles and difficulties. Once you know the why, you are tapping into your emotions. In life, emotions are what drive us.

I have always considered myself a pragmatic and practical man. Instead of building castles in the air, I have always been very grounded. My practical style approach to life has emphasized detail planning, checklists, and to-do lists. Despite all this, I am aware of the fundamental truth that humans are ruled by their hearts and not their brains. It is our emotions that will drive us to take action.

When we are born into this world, we begin our life with emotions, not thoughts. We grow up to try and understand those emotions and learn from them. Our thoughts play a small role in how we feel, but our emotions play a bigger part.

When you think about it, our thoughts do not always make us happy. Sometimes they make us sad or even angry. In order for us to live a happier life, we need to focus on our emotions more than on our thoughts. Emotions can make us do anything in life that we want to without thinking about it too much.

Emotions drive us because they allow us to be who we really are at all times. Our thoughts tend to block out what we really want to say or do because they hide behind words like "should" or "can't". But with emotions, there is no hiding because they are what makeup who we truly are as people and how we act in this world.

When you're trying to reach a goal, it can be helpful to think about how emotions can help you get there. In fact, many people have discovered that the right emotions can actually be an essential part of achieving their goals. Here I like to share ways that emotions can help you achieve your goals.

Emotions make us feel more motivated

Motivation is an important ingredient in any goal-achieving recipe—and it's often easier to be motivated when we're feeling some sort of emotion. If you're working on a project that requires lots of time or effort (like writing a book), it helps if you have the motivation to keep going when things get difficult and boring. That's where emotions like excitement and determination come in!

Emotions keep us focused on what matters most

In addition to making us feel positive about our goals, certain emotions can also help us stay focused on what matters most in achieving them. For example, if your goal is to lose weight, then feeling happy might help keep you from getting distracted by other things (like eating junk food).

Most people believe that the brain is in control of our actions, but this is not true. Emotions are what determine our actions. The sooner that we realize this truth, the more we can achieve in our life.


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|The why is the motivation that you need when you hit brick walls, the strength you need when you have to start all over again and the force that will pull you through obstacles and difficulties. Once you know the why, you are tapping into your emotions. In life, emotions are what drive us.

This did capture more of my attention. Indeed knowing the reason we need to do something helps ignite the fire back in us.

Our emotions do play a vital role in helping us overcome every obstacle because we are well determined to.

 3 years ago  

If we want to be successful in what we do, the first thing we need to do is to find the why. Thank you very much for dropping by.

You are most welcome friend, nice making your acquaintance.

Very well said dude.Yeah are always driven by our emotions konwingly or unknowingly.

How is Jonathon now? I think he is fine as usual.

Thanks for sharing wonderful thought.

 3 years ago  

Jonathan is doing ok. Once we understand that our emotions drive us, we can motivate ourselves to take action

If you're working on a project that requires lots of time or effort (like writing a book), it helps if you have the motivation to keep going when things get difficult and boring. That's where emotions like excitement and determination come in!

The same can happen if you read a good book. Especially a good fantasy book. And this do not even requires a lot of time, nor effort. Nowadays I read mostly fantasy books. They are very detailed and I love them. A good fantasy book can make you feel a lot of emotions. For example see Jess E. Owen's books. Her books are amongst my all-time favorite fantasy books.

 3 years ago  

Thank you for the recommendation. I will check it out.

Yay! 🤗
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Delegate HP and earn more, by @positivesteem.

 3 years ago  

Thank you very much

Re-inventing ourselves is exciting @positiveesteem, as life is constantly changing.

 3 years ago  

As life change, we must change as well while keeping our values intact.

Powerful one..keep it up

 3 years ago  

Thank you very much for your kind comments.

It's true , if we like what we do , hère it's the émotion wich is involved, for sure we will win or succeed in our life.

Most improvement for motivation.

 3 years ago  

Thank you for dropping by. I write a lot of motivational posts, do check out my blog often