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RE: Silver Bloggers Community refresh

in Silver Bloggers2 years ago

If this community did not exist, it would have to be invented!
I’m in the middle age (44) and I love to read experiences and memories similar to mine. Those of you who have lived in a world without internet know what I mean, hehe.
Thank you for your work, I appreciate it a lot. 🤗


I don't think today's youth can imagine living in a world without internet, communication was much slower back then, we relied on letter writing and telephone calls. I often shake my head and wonder how on earth we managed, but that was how things were, we'd never have thought we'd one day be carrying phones in our pockets wherever we went & that letter writing would all but disappear!
What next hey? Makes one wonder😉Thank you for sharing your life experiences with us @palomap3!

That world we remember no longer exists, just as we are no longer the same. That is what growing up and maturing is all about.
The future? We will see when it arrives. Day by day. 🤗