You sure know how to write a biographical story! Now why was it impossible to see a man who was charmed by your frugal life? I don't understand that bit.
You sure know how to write a biographical story! Now why was it impossible to see a man who was charmed by your frugal life? I don't understand that bit.
Thank you for the kind assessment of my piece.
I was humiliated. I grew up in shame. We were taught to hide, my whole life, to pretend we were not poor. The shame was irrational, but that's how I was brought up, and I internalized it. He knew my secret and it was unbearable. I couldn't face him. Too bad. He seemed very interesting 😄
I wonder if he still wonders about you. I wonder if he was poor too, and is would have been comforting for him to be with you. I wonder a lot of things about this story. Thank you for writing it, I love it.
You are wonderful 🌹 Thank you
You certainly do have the imagination of a writer :) There are no dead ends, only possibilities.