It is still fresh in my memory, that beautiful day, when the group of students shown in the photographs, would become professionals. It was an afternoon of mixed emotions. To my great joy, I had the honour of being chosen to prepare and read the graduation speech, as representative of the sponsors of the different promotions and careers.
In the XXXVIII thirty-eighth promotion of University Technicians, and in the careers: Accounting, Education, Computer Science, Electronics, Electrical Engineering, Administration and Special Education.
Aún está fresco en mi memoria, aquel hermoso día, cuando el grupo de estudiantes que aparece en las fotografías, se convertirían en profesionales. Fue una tarde de emociones encontradas. Para mayor alegría, me correspondió el honor, de ser elegida para elaborar y leer el discurso de grado, como representante de los padrinos de las diferentes promociones y carreras.
En la XXXVIII trigésima octava, promoción de Técnicos Superiores Universitarios, y en las carreras: Contaduría, Educación, Informática, Electrónica, Electrotecnia, Administración y Educación Especial.
At that time my country was going through a critical stage... A chaotic year for the great majority of Venezuelans. Therefore, while I was writing the speech, I was thinking about how difficult it would be for these groups to exercise their new professions.
So, analyzing the situation, I chose to speak to them crudely, but also to show them how proud we, their families and their teachers, felt for this great achievement and for having trained them to practice their professions and fulfill their dreams.
My message had to reach the hearts of this large group of young people who would have to manage a new job and not only that, make very important decisions for their lives, their careers and their future.
To contextualize what I want to convey, I must transcribe some paragraphs of my speech. I hope you can place through my words the moment.
"My dear graduates, the time has come, the long-awaited time, the time to shout from the rooftops, and-at the top of our lungs... I did it! I graduated! THANK YOU, MY GOD! We did it!"
Well, of course you did! You graduated, you made it, but although the long awaited hour has certainly arrived, it is also time to think, decide, analyse and review deep inside your hearts and reason, to ask yourselves... What now?
En aquel momento mi país atravesaba una etapa crítica… Año caótico para la gran mayoría de los venezolanos. Por lo cual, mientras redactaba el discurso, pensaba en lo difícil que sería para estos grupos ejercer sus nuevas profesiones.
Entonces, analizando la situación, elegí hablarles con crudeza, pero también demostrándoles lo orgullosos que nos sentíamos tanto los familiares, como sus profesores, por este gran logro y por haberlos formado para ejercer sus profesiones y cumplir sus sueños.
Mi mensaje debía llegar a los corazones de ese gran grupo de jóvenes a quienes les correspondería gestionar un nuevo empleo y no solo eso, tomar decisiones muy importantes para su vida, su carrera y su futuro.
Para contextualizar lo que quiero transmitir, debo transcribir algunos párrafos de mi discurso. Espero que puedan ubicar a través de mis palabras el momento.
«Mis queridos graduados, ¡Ha llegado la hora! La tan esperada hora, la hora de gritar a los cuatro vientos, y- a todo pulmón… ¡Lo logré! ¡Me gradué! ¡GRACIAS MI DIOS! ¡Lo hicimos!»
Pues ¡claro que sí! Se graduaron, lo lograron, pero aunque ciertamente ha llegado la tan esperada hora, también es hora de pensar, decidir, analizar y revisar muy dentro de sus corazones y su razón, para preguntarse… ¿Y ahora qué?…
In the first paragraph, I emphasize the mood they were feeling at that moment. Their mind and illusion did not allow them to think beyond receiving their diploma, attending the graduation ceremony, enjoying the moment and going out to celebrate, which cost them nights of studies, days of hardship and crying, etc. But also, I bring them to the present and the reality is that with this degree, they have not completed their full preparation. They should do their degree, to consolidate the process that is required in our country, to be a complete professional. Knowing that every teacher must be constantly updated.
The closing of my speech, invites you to assume what will come immediately and without wasting time....
_ "Just as I began my words with this phrase, "The time has come", I will culminate them with another that I am sure you have heard: Dear graduates! IT'S NOW, OR NEVER!... Thank you very much. "
En el primer párrafo, resalto el ánimo, que en ese momento ellos estaban sintiendo. Su mente e ilusión, no daba para pensar más allá de recibir su diploma, asistir al acto de grado, disfrutar el momento y salir a celebrar, lo que les costó noches de estudios, días de apuros y llanto, etc. Pero asimismo, los Traigo al presente y la realidad es que con este título, no ha culminado su preparación completa. Deben hacer su licenciatura, para que consoliden el proceso que se exige en nuestro país, para ser un profesional completo. Sabiendo que todo docente debe actualizarse constantemente.
El cierre de mi discurso, les invita a asumir lo que vendrá de inmediato y sin perder tiempo…
_ «Así como inicié mis palabras con esta frase, “Ha llegado la hora”, las culminaré con otra que seguro han escuchado: ¡Queridos graduados! ¡ES AHORA, O NUNCA!… Muchas gracias. »
After my speech, came the protocol ceremony, they received their degrees, and 80% of that same group, continued with their teaching careers in different specialties. So, it could not have been better and more satisfying for me to have finished my time in this institution that I love, with those statistics, although I always hoped that 100% of my children would finish their careers.
The phrase that my godchildren chose for their promotion was the following:
"Professionals who transform success with will and commitment, molding footprints in their path with "Fe Y Alegría"".
Luego de mi discurso, llegó el acto protocolar, recibieron sus títulos, y un 80 % de ese mismo grupo, continuó con sus carreras pedagógicas, en diferentes especialidades. Así que, no podía ser para mí, mejor y más satisfactorio, el haber culminado mi paso por esa Institución que amo, con esas estadísticas, aunque siempre esperé que el 100% de mis chicos, culminara su carrera.
La frase que eligieron mis ahijados para su promoción, fue la siguiente:
«Profesionales que transforman el éxito con voluntad y compromiso, moldeando huellas a su paso con «Fe Y Alegría»
I thank the Silver bloggers community, for this nice opportunity that gives us, to tell our memories...
The pictures belong to my personal portfolio.
- Agradezco a La comunidad Silver bloggers, por esta linda oportunidad que nos brinda, para contar de nuestros recuerdos…
Las fotografías pertenecen a mi portafolio personal.
Hello @numa26
Silver Bloggers’ Community Team.This is @tengolotodo and I'm part of the
Thank you for sharing your excellent post in the Silver Bloggers community! As a special "token" of appreciation for this contribution to our community, it has been upvoted, reblogged and curated.
Thank you very much, @tengolotodo and @hive-106316, for your valuable assessment and support to my post. Greetings and affection.😍🤗
That was a big honour you had to read the graduation speech! I am sure that was something unforgetable!
It's true, my friend. That was a beautiful moment. For me, writing that speech and then being selected among all the sponsors of the promotions, to read my speech, was great. Thank you for your kind visit and comment.😍
Thank you very much, friends of @hive-106316, for your appreciation and support. Greetings to the team.😍
Thank you very much, friend @tengolotodo for the nomination. Cheers to the @colmena-106316 team for their support.😍
Our pleasure and have a great weekend.