We live in a world that seems to demand constant engagement and ongoing response at every moment.
Thing is...
we're usually so busy frantically trying to keep up that we often blindly react instead of choosing how to consciously respond. And I reckon this is where a great deal of Western society's problems currently reside.
But I'm not an expert.
I'm just a gal who is maybe old enough to share a bit of her experience 'round about now. And this doesn't even mean it is worthwhile to anyone else. Or that anyone else is even interested in it.
But I'm also wise enough to know, now, that this doesn't matter either.
Those who it may benefit from the sharing will find it. And I'll benefit from the sharing regardless because...
well... connection is the point.
For me.
And it's not even about me at the end of the day, even though it seems to be all about me... almost always.
Despite this interest in human connection I tend to take extended breaks of isolation and silence.
Carl Jung said it, as he said so many other very relevant things regarding the human experience, really well:
Solitude is for me a fount of healing which makes my life worth living. Talking is often a torment for me, and I need many days of silence to recover from the futility of words. - Carl Jung
I relate to this deeply on so many levels.
In fact, as I've grown to know myself better with age, I've come to understand I not only enjoy my solitude and the silence it brings but that this is an absolute necessity for me to be the best version of myself. For myself and for those around me as well.
And I think the spaces in-between do that for all of us, in fact.
We call this time out "the in-between" quite commonly nowadays. The philosophical concept of "liminality" as it is less commonly referred to.
It can be seen as a kind of "waiting" and, I supposed, it is in some sense.
But it is also, in my new found experience, very much a form of "doing" as well. A form of "becoming" as much as it is a form of "letting go".
Which are both pretty much a part of the same process if we are growing and progressing, aren't they?
But us humans have been taught to be oh so productive that we are missing a great deal of the most necessary parts of the journey, in my (sometimes opinionated now) opinion.
And this because we've been taught to avoid the quiet and silence to such an extent that we aren't familiar or comfortable enough to allow either to do their work.
Or for nature to take it's inevitable course.
This ends up with us getting to a point in the future... where we haven't really learned what we maybe needed to figure out before we got there.
It's kinda like being employed in a senior position in a business without having worked one's way up to that position of authority. Or being able to buy your way into a position of authority without the life learning to make good use of it for the right reasons, I guess.
You have the perks of the position without important knowledge you may have acquired if you'd taken the longer route to get there.
And this means... very often... that one has to circle back and do it all again to get it "right".
The same can be said about life and its experiences.
Sometimes, in life, we have to "sit" with the things we would prefer to avoid... to ensure we move through them fully, make sense of them fully, learn what we must from them fully and so...
leave them behind us permanently.
Unless we need to refer to them in the present to make use of the learning of course!
But us humans are often not taught how to do this at all anymore.
And I reckon this is where a great deal of Western society's problems currently reside as well.
Toby is gone
Toby passed away peacefully while I held him on Sunday 14th August 2022.
So I have been quiet around here, not only because the bugs turned out to be just one tick that floored me (and if I had known more about Lyme's whatever I may have not let things get as bad as they did), but because...
at this point in my journey I know enough to know that sometimes the best thing I can do is to quieten down and Be Here Now.
Grieving properly requires this in full.
And this is what I have been busy doing.
And by busy... I mean slowing down and staying as present as possible for the process.
But, once again, us Westerners are generally not taught how to grieve.
I find this sad when grieving is, arguably, one of the most important and fundamental aspects of living. And, thus, is one of the most important skills to learn.
Because grief is, unquestionably, the single most complicated process a human being will experience. And if it is not done well a person can remain stuck in the process for years. If not permanently.
I know this (for myself) because of my own experience.
I took the time to attend a workshop on grief twice because I saw immediately that the process was bigger and far more complex than the one attendance could encompass. For me and my endless questioning.
So I requested to attend it again to get a more concrete understanding of grief. So that I could assist others with it professionally as much as due to my own endless curiosity and desire to learn. And to understand more.
I also had personal experience of what happens if grief is avoided after my father's suicide. His passing was (largely due to Western concepts of suicide) never discussed and, thus, was never properly grieved or let go of until many years later when I understood more about how (and why) to do this.
So I haven't been away, I've been necessarily a bit more "still".
I haven't been away, I've been fully present in fact.
Being still is a marvelous super power. Both to heal and, also, to further personal growth and understanding.
What this recent slowing down has also done, is it has given me the opportunity to step back and see a bit more how things are "working" around here.
I guess if you move more slowly you just naturally see more of your surroundings.
“Contrariwise,' continued Tweedledee, 'if it was so, it might be; and if it were so, it would be; but as it isn't, it ain't. That's logic.” - ― Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland
Enough to have also made me a bit quiet for a while...
as the behaviour of us humans sometimes does.
And questionable human behaviour always seems to be driven by the same motivation...
It's in the spaces and the silences that real understanding often takes shape, you know. It's in the stepping back a bit that you get to see a clearer bigger picture.
I also know, being an older wiser human now, that this is always a good thing.
For everyone involved.
But more on this to follow...
This post is about Toby.
Otherwise known (by my son and I) as "Da Best Boy eva."

May he rest peacefully.
I'm glad we got to say goodbye even if it was devastatingly disappointing that he didn't get well again. He will be sorely missed.
Forever ❤️
And that is okay...
A snippet from "The Book That May Never Be Written" on grieving...
The Accidental Theory: A journey to freedom

Sarah stops at the once was bar that now serves as a kitchen counter and leans on it heavily as she breathes in the silence and emptiness left in the wake of his passing.
In quiet observation she notes her instinctive desire to turn away from the moment.
To busy herself with something.
Anything to distract her from the ache in her chest. From the loss. From the reality of the Now.
But she knows too much to turn away from fear, pain or discomfort these days.
She knows that nothing is going to take away any of what she must walk through, to really be free from it all. And in full.
Any distraction from the pain of this present moment is just a diversion from the path towards peace and acceptance in the present moment again.
Anything she uses to avoid the pain of the present moment only lengthens the process of the necessary processing that allows any fear, pain or discomfort to subside and recede in full.
Any distraction, in many ways, only draws the discomfort out and makes it seem even more unbearable. More powerful. More frightening. More intense.
It's the nature of the mind to focus even more intently on the things we are trying to avoid...
Originally posted in Silver Bloggers
Hardened Dreamer
Determined Dancer
and Stargazer
Beyond fear is freedom
And there is nothing to be afraid of.
To Life, with Love... and always for Truth!
Nicky Dee
join the community here
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Corner Coffee on Discord here
I don't seem to be able to leave your blog tonight...or should I say this morning, for it is 3.30 am here on my side of the world. Oh Nicky, my heart is all over the show with your posts. I am at once filled with sadness for the loss of your beautiful boy Toby and how that must be impacting both you and your son, and also in such joy for the way in which you respond to everything that life has thrown at you. You are such an inspiration. You speak with such insight and acute understanding and sensitivity but you also call things as they are.
Grief is one of life's passages... and it seems you have had to experience it on more occasions and in more forms than a person should have to... it is so incredibly difficult to navigate without the love and support and guidance of close friends and family, and we do have to experience it fully to be able to gain peace. I did with my mom... and I feel the difference now. I am sending you so much love and a big hug 💗💗💗
And I see the recurring theme of the spaces in between, the quietude that is so essential. Keep taking those moments, Nicky. They are precious and necessary in life... and the still hours of the night... my favourite time for me.
Love you❣️
*heart melted
I can't really say anything to a comment like this except thank you from the inner most core of my heart.
And that I actually have to step away to find my balance after reading it...
Love you. Hope you are having a beautiful weekend. I am busy reading your blog. I made a conscious decision after feeling frustrated and sad that I was missing some of my favourite people during the week, due to other Hive commitments and life in general, that weekends on Hive would be purely for my own pleasure. I did see your reply previously... I don't know how I didn't respond to it... a million things may have got in the way... I have no excuse !LUV
You don't need excuses around here :)
Come and go and return as you are
It's always wonderful to see and hear from you. I'm glad you're taking some down time and looking after yourself!
Online work is so stressful. I think it's the pace of it and the fact that it never stops
I took a few slow days online this week and am feeling far more positive!
But I tend to go totally overboard with the internet. I'm an information addict :/
And I can stay on my laptop without sleeping when a creative urge strikes
So slow and steady wins the race.
Sending only love.
ps. You're always in my thoughts as well. I know you're busy building behind the scenes. 🙏👍❤️
hehe I feel you there... the amount of times I fall asleep at my desk... lost count hahaha. Funny how as a some-time writer now, pulling an all-nighter has such different connotations to my younger years 😂😂
Ditto, my lovely. And thank you for understanding. Sending that love straight back - redoubled 💗
(5/10) gave you LUV.
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Hi, Nicky. I am so sorry for your loss. From somewhere on another plane you have an angel watching over you. Grieving is so necessary when we have a loss, and living it properly with those spaces of silence is so important, at least for me it is. I send you a big hug.
Ah... what a beautiful comment ❤️
Hug received with warmth and much gratitude :)
This too shall pass...
And he was, most definitely (!), an angel 😊
This too shall pass, and you will treasure the good memories 😊🤗
Brilliant band.
You know... if I'd learned to shut it years ago things would have been far, far simpler all around
What's the fun in that..? SmirkySmirk
Valid point.
Oh, I do enjoy you.
More... the second dr didn't tell me that I shouldn't eat with the antibiotics. Or take them at night.
Or go out into direct sunlight with them (which explains why I went bright red when I did).
Yeah. *sigh
Now I need a new hat, apparently, for skateboarding missions.
What do you think of this one?
Nice, how much does TNF give you for their publicity on it? :SmirkySmirkAgain:
Who is TNF?
I'm busy trying to figure out NFT's. More my thing.
I don't have a hat, sadly...
Nor much of a face left :) But that's starting to be okay.
The North Face 😁
I am here. And there. And awaiting your fine presence, good sense of humour, impressive mind and free spirit.
Say hello when you're around.
Oh... and awesome music and cool gifs.
Of course
Grieving is such a big part of our lives especially as we advance in years. You are spot in the fact (in the west anyway) that we are never taught how to do it. I can see why you went twice. Toby what a beautiful superstar. We really develop bonds with our pets. The unconditional love we get from them, we can all learn from them, I lost enough pets in my lifetime to feel your pain and understand it.
This is the second post about grieving I have engaged with today, further proof of just how big a part of our lives it is.
Big hugs Nicky.
He was... simply put... an angel. I've never met a soul more gentle.
Worst few days of my life thus far. But it's an inevitable part of life. That is the truth.
You're spot on too. The unconditional love. Nobody can do it as well.
Tnx, T. Big hugs back. ❤️
Yes he does look a gorgeous gentle soul!
Hope you are starting to feel better from that Lyme disease Nicky💙
Thanks angel.
A variant of Lyme's to be clear. We don't get Lyme's here apparently...
Still feel like rubbish so we will wait and see and thanks for the thoughts and wishes.
Have a beautiful day, T. 🌼
ah yes I am sure there are umpteen variants around the world!
Oh well let's hope the rubbish gets taken away soon 😮
Thank you and you Nicky🙂
And that as Silver Bloggers is what we do 😃
I hope that you are recovering from the effects of the Lymes disease, not a pleasant experience at all. So rest up and take your time with engaging, we are not going anywhere.
Losing a pet is never an easy time, especially when there are children involved. Quite often that is a child's first experience of grieving, something you point out that most of us are not taught.
Thank you so much for sharing your story with us here in the Silver Bloggers Community.
It kinda feels as though it's an obligation sometimes, huh? To talk about the stuff nobody wants to talk about, but that we need to... and take the hit socially (often).
Luckily we get to a point where that isn't as scary or worth bothering about much!
Glad to have you guys to learn and share with. 😁
The variant of Lyme's a an absolute pain in the ass... or in all my muscles to be more clear. But I'm gonna kick it in full in the next couple of weeks. Too much to do still and no time to be sick now.
Also... us older timers are tough! We have that!
We will paint a stone and have a ceremony for Toby and my son has been taught to speak and cry openly and safely. Undoing past generations of stiff upper lip!
Everything is going to be okay ❤️
For all of us.
Hello @nickydee
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Check out the last post from @hivebuzz:
Let's go! 💥
Love you Hivebuzz.
Thanks for the ongoing encouragement. 😊
Just in case you may don't know this awesome book about Healing Lyme Naturally...
Healing Lyme - by Stephen Harrod Buhner
I'll dig it up. Also need to listen to a talk sent by Sam still
I kind of avoid dealing with health stuff. Childish, I know.
But I was responsible and got another script last week 👍
First lot didn't kick it.
Have two more weeks of antibiotics. I just went hard with them
Not ideal but want my energy back already
This totally sucks
Anyway. We will prevail, right?
On we go and tnx for the heads up. Who knew? One little tick bite
Good lord 🙄
Yep, i've seen my uncle, a mountain of a man, disintegrated and powerless after one little tick bite...
I do not trust the medical system ever more... some family history and that's why i haven't seen a doctor for over 30 years now and swear by the natural power of the plant world.
Wishing you all the best Nicky...
I have a book I'm trying to share with the general public on this very point.
Another book... and it's important. But I can't do this one here I don't think...
In fact... I did get to a doctor for this tick thing, told her I've never had allergies before (I had full body hives by that stage) and yet she gave me ten days of cortisone to treat my sudden allergies.
Never asked if I'd been bitten by anything. I played google dr and there it was on first search.
So again... I diagnosed myself and got correct meds from another doc.
So now... it's past due we respected so called authority figures just because.
What a fuckin' racket.
Yep, i could have told you that too... and the cortisone would have killed me for real.
Come on over to discord and share me your book, please! 😎
Five minutes, caller...
And Truth is The (ultimate and only) Law of Nature.
I hear you.
Sending you love, beautifully wise woman. 💛
Thank you, lovely. :)
You were in my thoughts today. And here you are!
Sending love back ❤️
How absolutely sad to hear of your loss but my thoughts immediately turn to worry how your boy is coping?
Look after each other.
Hi @nickydee
I'm so sorry about Toby and I agree with you about grieving. It is something that isn't learned quickly and no matter how time passes, it remains there in one's heart. But do know that wherever Toby is right now he is happy and will keep on watching you from above. Huggssss
Ah... thanks Eyiz ❤️
Yes. Grieving takes as long as it takes.
We're still talking about him every day in fact. But with good memories already. I think because we "sat" with his passing and had our tears full on.
I don't think a person ever gets over missing someone who has passed on. It just is what it is.
I like that idea:
Thanks for your kind words and thoughts. And hugs! 😊
yep i don't think there is someone who gets over missing someone who passed away... my dad has been gone for 20 years now... and I still miss him every day
Aaaah... I hear you fully!
If there was one person I could sit with for a while today it would totally be my dad!
I'm sorry for your loss too... and yeah... we do always miss them. ❤️