Memoir Monday 46/ What Makes You Sad.

in Silver Bloggers2 months ago


Greetings to all here present in this community as those who are inside as a team and those who present our publications.

I recognize that I do not write much for lack of time since I am studying and they demand a lot of me besides the time and that to make a quality publication we must have a clear, open and clear mind.

Following the rules of the contest that invites us the friend @ericvancewalton on the theme of the contest about what makes us feel sad.

Not everything is a coincidence, that would be why he put me where I am but there you can see a lot of sadness that the main root of that is the critical situation that exists in my country Venezuela in the health sector to be more exact.

I study nursing at one of the best universities in my country, the UDO. The internships we do at the Hospital Ruiz y Paez, labeled as one of the best also, but what is lived inside sometimes is far from what they say.


Ruiz y Paez Hospital. Ciudad Bolivar. Venezuela.

I say it with propriety because I spend my time there, but there is a lot of carelessness both from the personnel who work there and also from those who use that service, who do not take care of something from which they benefit, but be careful with this, not that I am blaming ANYONE, everyone is responsible for what they do, but they do not want to accept that responsibility when something bad happens, like a malpractice, during an intervention.

Recently an uncle was waiting to be operated, where the first days he spent sitting in a chair in the emergency area, it is something that should not be, if it is an emergency he should be in a bed but there is not, it is sad. Then with that they do not have the medical supplies for treatment, the family members must go out to buy or get them, from the injector to a mask.


This is my uncle already in a bed in the emergency room.

If it is one of the best hospitals because it does not have the equipment for studies, they must go to clinics to have them done and pay for them, my uncle had to have an MRI in a clinic and it cost him 40 dollars, but not only that, but also to pay for a car, because there are no ambulances to transfer patients.


To operate a patient they ask for blood donors, because in the Blood Bank they do not have enough blood and by the way you have to buy the bag for the donation, that is to say that those who do not have a good economic position, to have and pay for everything in a hospital of what they ask for can die, because in a private health center they can have everything yes, but it is more expensive, and the insurances do not cover everything.


So these are situations where we as nurses and doctors would like to do more, but we can't, we don't have what we need. We just have to keep on praying to God and that He takes care of us and that the situation in the country improves and that the health centers have everything they need to give patients hope for life.

After writing here I felt better and I hope that everything can be solved this way. Thank you.

Translated with DeepL.

Cover edited in Canva.

Photographs are my own taken with Samsung Galaxy A12 cell phone.

Nayita238 Firma General Hive.png


It is very sad the whole situation that people have to live through when they get sick: it is not only the illness, but also the economic, hygienic and solidarity situation. Everything is so deteriorated that it can be a time bomb. Greetings

O sea, es "El Niágara en bicicleta"
Realmente triste.