The sea is not only for summer/ El mar no es sólo para el verano (ENG/ ESP)

in Silver Bloggers4 months ago

Image from my personal gallery

The sea is not only for summer

I live near the sea. My city, the capital of the state of Sucre in Venezuela, is bordered by the foamy, warm and crystalline waters of the Caribbean Sea. The turquoise blue of its waters can be seen from any point of the city and sometimes it is a sky blue, other times a green with bluish and red flashes.

I remember when I was young, it was normal for every party or outing to end on the beach: some swimming; others, sitting on the sand, watching the sun go down, leaving the sky blushing. The sea was the perfect place for the best encounters and why not, also for farewells, and there was no one who, knowing that we lived near the sea, did not tell us how lucky we were to have such a paradise so close to us.

But maritime cities have a defect and it is that sometimes they are very lonely.

Likewise, on vacations, love was just around the corner. We young people were getting ready to meet someone's nephew, a friend's brother, a neighbor's grandson, someone who came from far away to spend the vacations at the beach and became our great love of that summer, because love lasted as long as the summer lasted, even if in our memories it lasted forever.

As the vacations came to an end, the streets were left alone and the beaches, with their sand full of ephemeral footprints, were being collected, as the waves are collected. And everything went back to the way it used to be: with its usual schedules, with the suffocating heat of the afternoon, with that saltpeter that sticks to the skin and hair leaving them like wires and stones.

These days it was my turn to return to one of those seaside towns I used to go to when I was young, and just as when you look at someone after a long time and you have the impression that they were different, that you remember them more beautiful and bigger, the same thing happened to me when I met again those streets I walked through when I was young.

It wasn't summer and in a seaside town that's good enough. The streets were desolate and some houses abandoned. The salt had done its job, so had the weather. As I walked through those streets, I reminisced about the parties, the gatherings until dawn, the banquets on the shore of the beach, but it was not summer and only in summer do fishing villages wake up as if they had been asleep and put on their best clothes.

The images are from my personal gallery and the text was translated with Deepl

Thank you for reading and commenting. Until a future reading, friends

[Versión en español]
El mar no es sólo para el verano

Vivo cerca del mar. Mi ciudad, la capital del estado de Sucre, en Venezuela, está bordeada por las espumosas, cálidas y cristalinas aguas del mar Caribe. El azul turquesa de sus aguas se ve desde cualquier punto de la ciudad y a veces es un azul cielo, otras un verde con destellos azulados y rojizos.

Recuerdo que cuando era joven, era normal que toda fiesta o salida terminara en la playa: unos nadando; otros, sentados en la arena, viendo cómo el sol se ponía, dejando el cielo sonrojado. El mar era el lugar perfecto para los mejores encuentros y, por qué no, también para las despedidas, y no había nadie que, sabiendo que vivíamos cerca del mar, no nos dijera lo afortunados que éramos por tener un paraíso tan cerca.

Pero las ciudades marítimas tienen un defecto y es que a veces son muy solitarias.

La algarabía se oye en verano, cuando llegan turistas de todas partes buscando huir del estrés de las grandes ciudades, del ruido del asfalto y de la gente. Entonces, las ciudades marítimas se visten de colores, con ofertas y promociones de alquiler, con gente nueva que renueva la ciudad con caras diferentes, sonidos diferentes, un ritmo más rápido, porque cuando la gente de las grandes ciudades visita las ciudades marítimas, como si llevaran los ruidos en el bolsillo, se convierten en sonajeros andantes.

Igualmente, en vacaciones, el amor estaba a la vuelta de la esquina. Los jóvenes nos preparábamos para conocer al sobrino de alguien, el hermano de una amiga, un nieto de una vecina, alguien que venía de lejos a pasar las vacaciones en la playa y se convertía en nuestro gran amor de aquel verano, porque los amores duraban lo que duraba el verano, aunque en los recuerdos durara para siempre.

A medida que se iban terminando las vacaciones, las calles iban quedando solas y las playas, con su arena llena de huellas efímeras, se iban recogiendo, como se recogen las olas. Y todo volvía a ser como antes: con sus horarios de siempre, con el calor sofocante de la tarde, con ese salitre que se pega a la piel y al cabello dejándolos como alambres y piedras.

En estos días me tocó volver a uno de esos pueblos marítimos a los que iba cuando era joven y así como cuando miras a alguien después de mucho tiempo y tienes la impresión de que era distinto, de que lo recuerdas más bonito y más grande, así mismo me ocurrió cuando me reencontré con aquellas calles que recorrí cuando joven.

No era verano y en un pueblo marítimo eso es suficiente. Las calles estaban desoladas y algunas casas abandonadas. La sal había hecho su trabajo, también el tiempo. Mientras caminaba por aquellas calles, rememoraba las fiestas, los encuentros hasta el amanecer, los banquetes a la orilla de la playa, pero no era verano y solo en verano los pueblos pesqueros despiertan como si hubiesen estado dormidos y se ponen sus mejores galas.


Beautiful photos, even if they show deterioration and oblivion, features that seem inevitable in human reality. A hug, @nancybriti1.


In sea villages salt and time do the job! Hugs, @josemalavem

That's right, just as you describe it... and aren't we ourselves like a seaside town? Sometimes we have moments of celebration and sometimes, loneliness. And time wears us down, on the outside... but let's not give up the inner joy, the joy of memories and living them today and every day. 😉

In the town where I live, the people are very friendly and cheerful, and that joy goes up to the maximum when tourists arrive: it is as if the town was made for that, to turn go off one season of the year and to be at its maximum splendor the other part. I embrace you, my dear. I hope all is well over there.

Thanks to the entire @ecency team for the support, especially @melinda010100.


Thank you very much for your support, friends

Lovely photo of the little girl next to the abandoned boat, shy today, but happy when the beach fills up in the summer season. I like the sea, your village has its charm I'm sure and brings back many memories.Happy weekend, maybe on your beach.🥰


I missed this when you posted it, but did see in time for the Author of the week poll.
As I have been brought up around fishing villages on the coast of Scotland, I know how busy they get in the summer when the tourists arrive. Great post and I so love reading you Nancy 😎